Thursday, October 31, 2019

Specail education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 10500 words

Specail education - Essay Example for the Pastoral Care of International Students formed under the education act of 1989.Because of this St Patrick’s School should comply with the standards of enrolling international students and to provide and include English as a curriculum as a base for education for international students. The Primary School focuses on the prime necessities like accommodation and welfare of the students and offers suitable and simple support programs on language to ensure better understanding of the concepts and improve the thought process. The School has integrated primary school for years 1 to 8 .The schools has a Decile rating as 8/10 and has been rated one of the good schools in the locality. The total number of students will be around 210 including international students who are meagre in the numbers. The School has a gender composition of 57% of boys and 43% of girls. The school is populated by 73% of New Zealand European/PÄ kehÄ  and 13% of Maori sub division and only 7% of other ethnic groups. The type of Management Structure is Top to bottom approach .The primary school comprises of team of qualified educated and experienced people to facilitate and contribute ideas and works towards the achievement of school’s strategic goals and actions. The broad categories of members are Parent representatives for providing input related to child’s perspective and critically respond on any intolerance behaviour happening in the school premises.Mr.Steve Banks is the overall in charge of the parent representative’s team and will coordinate and decide on the selection of members for the committee. Finance committee is responsible for the monitoring and reviewing the profit and loss, investment and expenses and validate the same using appropriate reports. The chair person of the Finance committee is Mrs. Louise Bishop, Mrs. David Smithson, and Mrs.Melanie Ratcliffe. The Key metrics focussed as Vision of the St.Patrick’ s primary school are Faith ,Knowledge and

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Interracial relationships within teammates in sports Essay

Interracial relationships within teammates in sports - Essay Example In the arena of sports, this is especially true and of especial importance. The various factors that form this list in the arena of teamwork and relationships on and off the field have been discussed in this paper so as to pose relevant questions regarding the quality of these relationships. To be more specific, this paper discusses the area of interracial relationships and the quality of the same within and outside the field. To begin with, let us define sports. The term 'sports' signifies the act of playing a game according to rules so as to declare a winner and a loser. But the very concoction of word sport will demonstrate that no one really loses. The very fact that a person or a team has stood on the field and performed so as to uphold the game and its rules, is enough to make any person a winner for life. In context of the above mentioned factors and discussion of sports, it may be asserted that there is a strong play of motivation in the conduct of sports and that of sportsmen. The basic motivational factor that is being studied in this paper is a combination of all the factors discussed above with a focus on interracial relationships and how these affect the relationships shared within team-mates on the field and off of it. (Eig, 2007) The motivation based on racial factors mirrors the fact that there is a lot yet to be learnt in terms of the factors that actually shape the psyche of the sportsman and affect his performance in the process. It may also be noted that despite the progress made by the world in terms of phenomena like globalisation, there is still a lot left to achieve as far as one on one relationships between people of various races is concerned. This adheres to various spheres and not just sports. Since a sport is all about teamwork more than anything else, it is easy to see these flaws and take stock of the same. McConley, Pg 3 (2008) In this regard, the foremost question that needs to be asked is whether or not the motivational factors for team mates depends on the friendships and bonds formed on the basis of colour and race. For example, let us look at the case of Jackie Robinson. A baseball player par excellence, who played for the Dodgers starting with the Negro League Kansas City Monarchs in 145, he went on to lead the international batting average with .349 average. Yet, there was constant heckling that he had to face once he got down on the field. The person who stood up and supported him openly was Dodgers captain, Pee Wee Reese. Also, Robinson found strong support in the person who had faced similar discrimination - team mate and Jewish baseball star Hank Greenburg. (Eig, 2007) So the question that comes up here is whether or not like attracts like. Is this a case of the discriminated standing up for the discriminated, or a White person standing up for a minority no matter what. The question that needs to be asked is whether or not the recognition of talent should be the greatest motivation rather than the

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Democracy According To Karl Popper

Democracy According To Karl Popper Karl Popper (1902-1994) was one of the most provocative philosophers and thinkers of the twentieth century. Born in Vienna, he grew up in a city witnessing great intellectual ferment and cultural excitement. One of his most celebrated and well-known books, The Logic of Scientific Discovery, appeared in Germany in 1934; it marked Poppers decisive break with the philosophers who formed the prestigious Vienna Circle and exposed many of his most influential arguments and ideas, above all we should remember his theory on the growth of scientific knowledge. On the eve of World War Two, Poppers life took a dramatic turn: because of the threat of German invasion, in 1937 he was urged to leave his own country and he emigrated to New Zealand where, reflecting on the tyranny that was sweeping around Europe, he wrote The Open Society and Its Enemies, published in 1945. This work is undeniably a classic, Karl Popper decided to write it in March 1938, when the Nazis invaded Austria. This personal background says a lot about Poppers motivation for writing The Open Society, and about its main theme as well. In this book as well as in The Poverty of Historicism, he attacks totalitarianism and its intellectual supports: the attempt to impose a large-scale planning on the lives of human beings in the light of holistic and historicist considerations. In order to analyze Poppers idea of democracy we shall sets out key tenets of his social and political thought, as well as a few of problems with them. The paper will try to underline Poppers conception of human nature and show how this provides a framework for his theory of history, his critique of historicism and his conception of the open society and democracy. After considering Poppers central political values of freedom and reason, well go through the political programmes of democracy and piecemeal social engineering; after these considerations it will be possible to conclude that Popper can not sustain an exhaustive anti-dogmatism and, contrary to the philosphers own declaration, his political ideas can not be classified as liberal in any honest way. Historical and Intellectual Background Even if Popper rejected Marxism in 1919, he claimed to be a socialist till 1932; it was the socialistic ethic and its idea of justice to which he retained adherence, not its political strategies. Awareness of the growth of authoritarianism in the Soviet Union and what he saw as deficiencies in the Marxist theory and practice of Austrian social democracy pressed him to revise further his political views. Both the idea and the experience of violence were catalytic. Social democracy, by holding to their threat of achieving their objectives by violent means, were implicitly provoking state authorities to a ruthless response, Popper then adopted a more traditional, liberal political stance: deciding that freedom was more important than equality he reaffirmed his rejection of violence. The central core of Poppers social and political theory resides in The Poverty of Historicism and The Open Society and Its Enemies, regarded by the author as his war effort: they were intended as a defense of freedom against the obvious impulse towards totalitarianism and authoritarianism. Poppers further espousal of the values of reason, toleration, peaceful discussion and respect for the individual all find their predecessors in Kants moral and political philosophy. The Austrian thinker extends Kants ethical precept of criticism and self-criticism providing a foundation for his philosophy of critical rationalism and joins Kants optimistic idea and hope in the possibility of obtaining social reform and peaceful relations within and between nations. Human Nature To explain human behaviour and history Popper refuses the utility of a general theory of human nature; his conception of human nature may be found in his knowledge of biology and psychology since he considers human beings similar to any organism, in that they have inborn needs or expectations. According to the author, people tend to hold on to the uniformities they discover, become afraid of change and even wish to dominate others; so if this occurs, the failure of a regularity provokes social disorder and also encourages people to create traditions and taboos. Even though the attachment to regularities is a source of dogmatism and intolerance (attitudes which are anathema to him), Popper advocates social regularities, like social traditions, more favourably than would many other liberals. He suggests that the maintenance of traditions (by which he seems to mean culture or settled ways of thinking and acting) brings order and predictability into our lives and even provides the founda tion of social structures: the important political task is to discriminate between valuable and harmful traditions. This conception of human nature has direct implications for the sort of society he wants to promote and the principles by which it is to be guided. He suggests a slow, gradual reform because this kind of change will not suddenly remove the traditions to which people have become accustomed and thereby create anxiety, terror and violence. There are many contradictions between Poppers advocacy of boldness, novelty and revolution in intellectual but not in social life: I think they might be explained more with reference to his theory of human nature than to his epistemology, even if he justifies the distinction in epistemological terms, it becomes clear that objective knowledge is preferable because of the constraints it exercises over subjective fears and impulses. This account of Poppers conception of human nature demonstrates his concern for the practical impact of ideas upon the social life of human beings, here we may notice a conservative tone in his political thought. Epistemology and History Poppers social and political thought includes a more general, speculative philosophy of history which indicates the character of historical progress. For the author, ideas are the main influences upon whether or not human progress is maintained: all social changes and conflicts, wars and revolutions can be seen as the result of conflict between opposing ideas and ideologies. Even with these conclusions, he shares with the historicists, whom he so vehemently attacks, a belief that there exists a direction to human history given by the growth of knowledge. He claims that the growth of knowledge, and thus the history of science, is the heart of all history. The social dilemmas produced by the most crucial episodes in the evolutionary history still remain; for the author these are best exemplified in the evolution of the different social arrangements that have arisen from the exercise of different human facilities. So the open and the close societies represent ideal types of two differen t stages of social and cultural evolution. According to the author where the lower biological needs are dominant, the social structure has the character of a closed society in which all social life is guided by myths and rigid taboos. A kind of magical attitude prevails, in the closed society there is no scope for self doubt and personal moral responsibility; changes in these kind of societies come about more by the introduction of new magical taboos than by ration attempts to improve social conditions. Popper affirms that the breakdown of the closed society began in Greece around 600 B.C., when new intellectual values, methods and ideas of acquiring knowledge arose together with an original style of politics. The Ionian School inaugurated a new tradition of critical thought: its innovation was to question and discuss dogmas and traditions instead of merely accepting them. Within this historical and philosophical transition, according to Popper, we can trace the emergence of a scien tific method. The ideas of criticism and democratic practice allowed human beings to commence their entrance into the open society where they could become aware of the importance of personal decisions and individual moral responsibility. Where biological and physical bonds became weaker more abstract relations, like exchange and cooperation, linked together people and groups. Democracy and the Open Society One of Poppers most striking contributions to contemporary political thought maybe found in his conception of democracy and of what he defines as open society. The idea of the open society operates both as a minimalist ideal to be sought after and as a celebration of the achievement of modern rationality and liberal democracy. Much of its appeals lies in its apparent capacity to limit the impact of our inevitable errors and to contain potentially harmful social tendencies. The open society, which is basically identified by the author as his idea of democracy, aims to promote criticism and diversity without succumbing either to violence or irreconcilable social division. This adventure in a creative and critical thougth produces conflict, but such problems are resolved by peaceful means; the values of freedom of thought and speech, toleration and individualism operate as both a motivation for, and a constraint upon, individual behavior. Those more substantial differences are to be channelled into the democratic process whereby governments can be replaced by free and regular elections. Popper recognizes the presence of certain dangers in the historical evolution of the open society: he suggests that it could become an abstract society in which social relations might become too rational but, although Popper acknowledges that modern industrial societies exhibit many such features, he denies that the process of abstraction or rationalization will actually complete itself. According to the philosopher there will always be emotional needs which human beings can not satisfy in an abstract society; in this view we see the distinction made between the private and the public sphere. The familiar function of the private sphere provides emotional and biological regeneration for authentic life in the public sphere; though Poppers neglect of the problems of unequal power and authority within family and personal life places him clearly in the mainstream of patriarchal political thought. Even though he knows, and admits, that such democracies fall short of his ideal, he is quite optimistic about their potential. Anyway we must recognize that the transition to the open society remains incomplete and its achievements are always and constantly under threat. On the one hand, biological needs, old traditions but especially the difficulties of living with rationality and personal responsibility all combine to challenge the new society; the passions of our lower nature are always liable to rise up and overthrow the controls instituted by self critical scientific rationality. On the other hand the open society may be inherently self-destructive because critical thought continually erodes those older closed traditions that sustain social institutions. Democracy performs a vital function for both politics and epistemology. I tprovides a peaceful means for reform and change pf government, while ensuring the freedom of thought and speech necessary for intellectual progress. This process encourages a pluralism of ideas and groups, it is the necessary precondition for the working out of political meaningn and aims, and is vital for the processes of critical through and the goal of emancipation through knowledge. Poppers theory of democracy typically grows out of his criticism of other approaches to government, initially Platos than Marxs. Our philosopher denies that the guiding principles of politics should be determined by answers given to the question Who should rule?, instead we should ask How can we so organize political institutions that bad and incompetent rulers can be prevents from doing too much damage? which is followed by an other essential question How can we get rid of those rulers without bloodshed and violence?. In responses, Popper argues that democracy should be founded upon a theory of check and balances: basically we are assuming that even the best rulers might fail, so this theory relies on institutional means for curbing their power. The major check is provided by periodic elections that enable people to oust their government without using violent means: this shows the difference between democracy and its opposite, tyranny which consists if governments which the ruled can not get rid of except by way of a successful revolution. He denies any true meaning or essence of democracy, but he asserts it doesnt mean the rule of people or even that the majority should rule, if only because this is impossible in any practical way. Democracy relies upon the political methods of general elections and representative government and Popper considers that these are always open to improvement; so in such a system individuals are allowed both to criticize the majoritys decisions and, within the law, to revise them. Actually Popper provides little details on the practical aspects, like the methods of representation, size and nature of electorates, and length of terms of office. He does reject proportional representation because of its origins in dubious theories of sovereignty and also because of its propensity to produce unstable coalition governments; in Poppers view, two party government is preferable if only because it allows for more serious internal self-criticism after elections defeats: his view of democracy is, in this sense, a relatively conventional elaboration of liberal pluralist principles. But on their own these principles may not guarantee the survival of liberal democracy: issues of representation, size, nature of electorates and so on all have a bearing upon weather citizens would consider themselves to be member of a legitimate democracy. A pluralist system of checks and balances may be so restrictive as to prevent a duly elected government and business to manipulate public opinion there may be little pressure at all upon those in office in order to change their policies. Assuming that the mass of people can not govern,Poppers theory of democracy may be reduced to a theory of competing elites; for this reason his procedural arguments lie within the tradition of realist and revisionist democratic theory that gives priority to competitive elites and argues for democracy as a method for choosing governments. But Popper departs from realist democratic theory because he recognizes that control over government is not all there is to creating a democratic state and society; his solution, however, is not to encourage widespread political participation but to require that the state protect democracy in two ways. First, since democracies must always be open to new ideas, protection must be given and assured to minorities, except to those who violate law and especially those who incite others to the violent overthrow of the democracy, so we must exclude just those violent changes that could put the democracy in dangerous. Second, because Popper is concerned to avoid the misuse of political power and economic power, he exhortes democratic states to engage in social and economic reforms; he strongly affirms the need of institutions to be constructed in order to protect the economically weak against the economically strong. So he sees the necessity of some sort of economic interventionism as well as some social reforms, the necessity of reforms are essential ingredients for a democratic order: the democratic system should work step by step in order to safeguard freedom form exploitation. Although such strategies create greater possibilities for increased state power and bureaucracy, these may be diminished by strengthening democratic institutions and by following the principles of piecemeal social engineering. This kind of policy is not as restrictive as it is commonly thought, but it odes rule out the nationalization and socialization of the entire private industry of a country. A separate point in favo r of piecemeal social engineering is thought to be its scientific character. Popper considers it methodologically superior to holisitc and revolutionary programmes, in part because social engineers accept the limitations of their knowledge. By reformulating key questions about democracy, Popper sidesteps some of the more usual difficulties of universalist democratic theory. By requiring state action to remedy certain kinds of social and economic problems, he offers more of a policy substance that the usual realist and proceduralist forms of democratic theory. His goal is to avoid or at least minimize the violent conflict that he sees inevitably arising from arguments over the good society. Whereas we may not be able to agree on abstract universal values, the shape of an ideal society or the ultimate good of people, we can generally reach agreement on concrete social and economic evils such as poverty and disease; Popper doesnt develop any universal values but he doesnt abandoned the m. I think a major advantage of Popper commitment to non-violence, public-criticism and freedom of speech is that allows us to retain a critical perspective upon all kinds of governments. His idea of minimal proceduralism and gradualism, for example, may accommodate democratic aspirations less developed or developing countries without subscribing to wholesale westernization and modernization. Poppers substantive policy proposals reject the radicalism of laissez-faire economics and offer the social benefits of gradualism, stability and security. Their negative utilitarianism encourages governments to ameliorate the worst aspects of individualism and capitalism, and allows a legitimate role for state intervention in society and economy. Popper combines ethical proceduralism with a requirement for state-initiated reform, his theory advances somewhat beyond the usual forms of democratic elitism and revisionism. Poppers social and political thought comprises elements which may be designed as liberal, social democratic and conservative. He deeply respects individual freedom and emphasizes the power of ideas in promoting progress while critical rationalism lies primarily within the mainstream of the liberal tradition. Nevertheless his conception of human nature is a combination of liberal and conservative assumptions, which sets out both an optimistic view of human potential and a largely pessimistic account of human needs. Poppers social vision, however, is a liberal rationalist one: an open society in which the values of freedom, reason, toleration and non-violence prevail; he suggests institutional guidelines for building and maintaining democracy, advocating policies such as piecemeal social engineering, oriented towards protecting individuals form the ravages of the market. But for a liberal philosopher, however, the guiding values of liberty, rationality, toleration and non-violence of t he open society are relatively undeveloped. Poppers conservativism is most evident in his political realism and his uncritical attitude towards contemporary liberal democracies. Underlying his stress upon the need for creative and revolutionary thought there is the fear that this will bring social disorder. Hence, such intellectual processes need to be contained within firm traditions whose overthrow cannot be countenanced except to establish a democracy. I believe we might see his political project as an attempt to provide more suitable tradtions or controls upon human thought and action; but I still find an unavoidable conflict between his liberal rationalist values and his perception of the perverse and intractable nature of individuals even if his ethical individualism and cosmopolitism differentiate him form most conservatives. Popper sees totalitarianism of all stripes as essentially tribal, as a closed society, a rebellion against the strain of civilization. He assaults it by using his philosophy of science (which greatly emphasizes falsification, i.e. the refutation of statements and theories) to criticize the doctrines of those whom Popper takes to be behind modern totalitarianism, namely Plato, Aristotle, Hegel and Marx. Brian Magee ably summarizes Poppers reasons for defending the Open Society: Because he regards living as first and foremost a process of problem-solving he wants societies which are conducive to problem-solving. And because problem-solving calls for the bold propounding of trial solutions which are then subjected to criticism and error elimination, he wants forms of society which permit of the untramelled assertion of different proposals, followed by criticism, followed by the genuine possibility of change in the light of criticism. Regardless of any moral considerations he believes that a society organized on such lines will be more effective at solving its problems, and therefore more successful in achieving the aims of its members, than if it were organized on other lines. Such a society is what Popper takes to be social democracy, entailing the prob lem-solving of piecemeal social engineering. This social democracy may indeed have once inspired the intellectual elite of the West, seeking (as many were) alternatives to fascism and communism, but today it inspires hardly anyone. And for good reason, for what else is democratic social reconstruction but that postwar system of fine-tuning the economy, the reign of countless redistributive social programs designed by politicians and social scientists to meet those alleged social needs that a host of interest groups are pressing upon the political systems of the West as non-negotiable demands? Since the Second World War, most of the Western democracies have followed Poppers advice about piecemeal social engineering and democratic social reform, and it has gotten them into a grand mess. Intervention has been piled upon intervention; regulations have been continually modified in unpredictable ways (Popper advocates such revisions in the light of experience); taxation has increased dras tically to finance social welfare programs (as has inflation, with its resulting economic fluctuations); and the unhampered market economy, so forcefully defended by Poppers close friend F. A. Hayek, has been reformed out of existence. Interventionism, piecemeal or not, has worked its inevitable way, and has led to precisely those consequences that Mises, Hayek, Rothbard and others had predicted: economic stagnation and political conflict. Democratic institutions themselves are threatened by those whose vested interests are entwined with the State apparatus. Dime store tinkering, even with freedom of criticism and revision, is leading to the closed society that Popper so fears. There is indeed nothing new in this warning; it is the theme of both Ludwig von Mises Socialism and F. A. Hayeks The Road to Serfdom. In short, the Open Society is not enough. If the Open Society is equivalent to a society in which everything and anything is open to democratic revision except the basic institutions that make democratic revision possible then Popper is only focusing on one need of human beings (that a dubious collective need), not the broader need for liberty that is implied in the outline of his argument as stated by Magee. Popper makes a great deal of noise about individualism, but nevertheless only applies the structure of that argument to collective processes of hypothesis, testing (action) and revision in the light of experience; the argument would apply to individuals as well, since they are the sole constituents of society. By focusing on this collective democratic character of the Open Society, Popper ignores the more basic need for individual liberty in art, business, science, and all other areas as well.The arguments for democracy that Popper presents, then, are in principle identical to arguments for individual liberty. It is the principle of non-aggression, the first principle of liberty, that properly limits the domain of democracy. If Poppers arguments for democracy (as opposed to his advocacy of democracy itself) are valid, then it is not the rigidity of a technology of social engineering that we should seek, but an unhampered market economy, where people can constantly act on their own judgment and can continually revise their plans in accordance with the new information brought by change. This brings us not to social democracy, but to the doctrine of libertarianism. Far more important than the principle of democracy, then, even by Poppers own arguments, is the principle of individual liberty. Liberty is paramount, democracy at best secondary: democracy is important only insofar as it is the servant of and means to the end of liberty. Thus, in following the logical implications of Poppers views (which are not, after all, that original), we move from the open society to the Free Society, and find ourselves agreeing with Michael Polanyis claim, contra Popper, that the Free Society is not an Open Society, but a society committed to a very definite set of rules. In Poppers Open Society, the principle of democracy is regarded as fixed, as not being open to revision. In the Free Society, it is the far more fundamental principle of individual liberty and non-aggression that is not open to revision (though its implications may be refined with growing knowledge). Poppers reasoning is, by and large, correct, but it is individuals who must solve problems to survive, not societies, and therefore individuals who must be free to think and act to achieve values and to revise mistaken plans and impressions in the light of experience or more critical thought. Why is it important to consider The Open Society and Its Enemies after all these years? Very simply, because these are the times when totalitarianism is on the rise, and Western democracies are in the midst of crises that are threatening the stability of their basic institutions, and perhaps even their very survival. In this battle against totalitarianism todays right-wing social democrats the neo-conservatives such as Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Irving Kristol and Daniel Bell are once again raising the banner of social democracy against tyranny. But this is pointless, for such democracy combined with social engineering and statist reforms is inherently unstable and is unjust as well. No mere democratic machinery, no mere procedure, is enough to oppose fascism or communism, not in a world of those real social dynamics that are set in motion by interventionism. Only liberty can fully oppose closed societies, and only if liberty is seen as something that is not to be bargained away or a bandoned through as series of insignificant piecemeal reforms. Liberty must be regarded as the ultimate political end, foremost among those political values held dear by reasonable men and women, the highest and most noble political form possible to human beings. I do not wish to leave the impression that The Open Society is worthless. It is indeed a heuristic work, tossing off suggestive arguments and insights on nearly every page, and the criticisms of Plato, Hegel and Marx are always pregnant ones. Popper is a great and forceful advocate of reason, science and progess, and his passionate idealism shines forth continually from the pages of this work. But so too does nearly every moth-eaten philosophical cliche around, e.g., the attack on certainty, the fact/value dichotomy, and the Humean assault on induction. Moreover, Popper is unnerving in his treatment of capitalism. Opponents of the Open Society who see it as being too coercive are slighted by Poppers astonishing smears of laissez faire, his continual granting of Marxist historical points against capitalism, and his cheerful parading before us of those democratic reforms that have all but obliterated the unhampered free market economy. Social democracy, the Open Society, has been tried and found wanting. The question that faces us now is simply whether those lovers of experiment and flexibility are experimental and flexible enough to advocate that liberty be given a chance. If it is not given that chance, there may be no tu rning back, and we may yet arrive in an era when we shall look back at the totalitarianism of the 1930s as a veritable golden age. But in one sense, at least, Popper is right: the future is ours to shape. Liberty has never been fully tried. It is the task of readers of this journal to remedy that unfortunate situation; if we do not, no one else will.

Friday, October 25, 2019

A Disappointing Golf Game :: Reflection Memoir Essays

A Disappointing Golf Game A smooth swing backed by power propelled my Titleist 230 yards down the fairway. An explosion of emotions ran through me as I started off the most important round of golf to date. The first hole of regionals proved to be as challenging as the rest of the course would be that day. With temperatures in the lower forties, I teed off at approximately 10:40 a.m. I had a thirty-foot putt to save par. I drained it, right in the center of the cup. I thought to myself, "Now let's build off of that." The next tee shot was down the right side of the fairway and in perfect position to the pin. I was striking the ball very well, even though my swing felt like an unfolding lawn chair. I would have to keep this up for seventeen more holes. In the back of my mind, I knew that a 77 would get me to state for sure. At this same course, just two weeks prior, I shot 77 with a bogey and then a double bogey to finish my last two holes. I knew that if I could just replicate that round, I would be going to state. That 77 wasn't even a very good round for me. I made a lot of errors, mental and physical, that would have saved me a lot of strokes. A 73 won that tournament, so without those errors, I would have been right there. All I had to do was to play well. After carding a 39 on the front nine with five three-putts, I was on track to a 75. Things were looking up. Standing on the number ten tee was a very different experience than it was on the front nine. The cold, dark clouds moved overhead with a light wind blowing right to left. The wind soon raised goose bumps on all of our skin. It had become quite cold, and everyone knew that this was going to turn ugly. A decent tee shot started off the second half of my round. As I was walking to my ball in the fairway, the wind picked up dramatically and sleet was stinging the back of my neck. My hands were soaked, along with the rest of my body. My clothes were drenched, making the temperature seem much lower than it already was. I knew I would have to play through these elements well enough to post a good round.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Negotiation strategies & procedures

It is agreed that negotiation is a process and that the first stage of any negotiation, the pre-negotiation stage, is very essential in the planning process for negotiations. But the stage of pre-negotiations, as scholars have come to agree, is in itself also a process. Since the pre-negotiation stage is so crucial there are therefore certain essential steps to proceed on in order to ensure success. While scholars are not agreed on the exact labeling of the different phases of pre-negotiation, nor on how many specific steps there are to be followed, they generally agree on the essential elements that must come into play during pre-negotiations. Peterson & Lucas (2001) identify four stages of pre-negotiations. Other writers have classified the processes involved in pre-negotiation into five categories and even some have limited their categories to only three components. Scholars agree that the first step to take in pre-negotiations is for the parties to identify and define the exact nature of the problem and conduct necessary intelligence gathering procedures. This first phase is basically the framing phase. Furthermore, in this first step, parties are able to demonstrate whether or not they are willing to negotiate address the issues. The next step is the formulation aspects where the parties begin to search for available options or alternatives to the issue(s) from the perspective of both parties. Each party will have to anticipate the possible options that the other could propose. In the third step there is first some amount of commitment to negotiate among the parties, whether formally or informally based on the information gathered and the alternatives identified. There is following this commitment a concrete agreement or decision to negotiate by both parties. Here the negotiating parties decide on the parameters under which such negotiations would take place. The final step in the pre-negotiation process is the structuring phase where negotiation strategies are developed and plans are made by each side as how best to tackle the actual negotiation. Formal negotiations begin as soon as the parties agree to negotiate and appoint a committee over the negotiations. What are the Individual Characteristics of Negotiators? One important factor that impacts greatly on the process and outcome of negotiations is the individual characteristics of the negotiators. While no scholar has proposed a particular model of the best characteristic traits for a successful negotiator, they have identified several factors that could swing negotiation outcomes either in favor of or against the party for with the individual is negotiating. Among the individual characteristics of negotiators the most commonly identified are negotiation experience, age, sex, education and training as well as culture and beliefs. Other variable characteristics could also have an impact on how well a negotiator performs. Irritability, tension, historical relationship between negotiators, physical health among others factors have been noted to affect the negotiation process. These characteristics are, however, quite variable, and depend heavily on the specific negotiation time and situation and not completely on the negotiator’s usual character traits. As it pertains to the classifiable characteristics, as it pertains to matters of age, research has not proven any significant relation between this variable and the outcome of negotiations. Younger or older negotiators have not been shown to produce better consecutive results than their counterparts. Age is only relevant only as it relates to experience because it is only as the negotiator ages and matures that significant experience would be gathered. Thus, in reference to experience, it must be admitted that the more experienced a negotiator is with particular negotiating situations, the easier and smoother the negotiation process flows. The know-how gathered with experience gives a sort of comfort level but it does not, however, suppose a greater propensity to succeed. Peterson & Lucas (2001) note of younger, more inexperienced negotiators, that they are more rigid and uncompromising to the proposals of the other side. Overall the amount of experience a negotiator has could in fact impact negotiations. A negotiators training and education could impact negotiators. While university qualification does not automatically signify a more successful negotiator, researchers have seen some amount of correlation between education and training and the performance of negotiators. However such correlation has not been shown to be significant enough to make a difference. The sex of the negotiator has also been highlighted as a characteristic of negotiators. The position of researchers on the approaches taken in negotiations by both sexes is mixed. Some studies suggest that women are more compromising than men and make a greater effort to obtain mutual agreeable solutions. Differences in negotiators’ cultures and beliefs do of course mean that particular tactics and approaches would be more characteristic of particular negotiators more than others. Such differences are, however, too varied to classify. Suffice it to say that a negotiator’s cultural convictions may be against certain negotiating styles. Of the characteristics of negotiators outlined above, experience appears to be the more crucial to the success of negotiation sessions. More experienced negotiators understand the intricacies of negotiation and are more familiar with the process and steps to take given any negotiation situation. Because of this knowledge gained overtime, negotiators would tend to move more smoothly through the process where a less experienced negotiation would demonstrate hesitancy. Unfortunately some experienced negotiations overtime tend to begin to overstep certain critical phases of negotiation (Peterson & Lucas, 2001) as they are quite competent and thus do not need to plan as much or as well as before. REFERENCES Peterson, R.M. & Lucas, G.H. (Fall 2001). Expanding the Antecedent Component of the Traditional Business Negotiation Model: Pre-negotiation Literature Review and Planning-Preparation Propositions. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, vol #(issue #), pages.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Internet Lingo Essay

Internet lingo or Internet slang (also known as ‘netspeak’) refers to a set of words, phrases, and acronyms used primarily in casual communication over the Internet. Its elements were created and made popular by Internet users themselves. Characteristic of netspeak are acronyms for phrases, like â€Å"LOL† (laughing out loud), â€Å"ROFL† (rolling on the floor laughing), and â€Å"OMG† (oh my god. Netspeak has expanded to include full words as well—words like â€Å"blog†, â€Å"flame†, â€Å"online†,   and â€Å"haxor† are only a few of the many words that the Internet has given birth to. A special set of Internet lingo, called â€Å"emoticons†, or â€Å"emotion icons†, also exists. These are the familiar â€Å"smileys† like â€Å":)† or â€Å"=)†, wherein the colon or the equals sign stand for the eyes, and the parenthesis symbol the mouth. The exact date of the first usage of Internet slang is somewhat difficult to determine, but its beginnings can be traced back to the 1980s, during the days of Usenet (Anderson 1996). They were perhaps meant to ease the load on users to type so much so they could say more in a smaller amount of time and effort, and was also perhaps a means to signify their statuses as Internet users. From there, it spread all across to what the Internet is today—from message boards, to chatrooms, to instant messaging—it has become a ubiquitous language in the World Wide Web, understood by any Internet user. One of the original purposes of Internet lingo (which it still serves well even today) it to save the user a few keystrokes. The reason why a large part of Netspeak consists of cryptic acronyms is exactly this. For instance, an Internet user in the middle of a chat, needs to leave abruptly, but is not disrespectful as to leave his friends without so much as saying a word. He would like to say that he will talk to them some other time, but â€Å"talk to you later† is such a long phrase that may take even longer to type if said user is not very good at typing. Instead, he will type â€Å"ttyl†, which stands for the original message in his mind, and saves himself a few more seconds. His friends, able to decipher his message, acknowledge, perhaps with a â€Å"k† (â€Å"okay†) or â€Å"cu† (â€Å"see you†). Most of Netspeak functions this way, and there are a great many acronyms which stand for equally numerous messages, all serving to save the user some time and effort.   Emoticons were invented to enable Net users to express emotions and feelings over the Internet. Since the users most likely do not see each other while communicating online, emoticons are important when words are no longer enough to express a feeling. The regular smiling face, â€Å":)†, is the most popular, and usually means that the other person is pleased or feels happy. It is difficult to list all of the existing emoticons as there are simply too many, at least one for almost every expression, and even for non-expressions. They, too, can also serve to save some time and a few keystrokes. For example, instead of saying â€Å"I am sad,† the user can simply use â€Å":(â€Å". Or, he can use them at the end of a sentence to more effectively convey what he feels: â€Å"I am mad at you! >:(â€Å" However, the latter purpose seems to have weakened nowadays—if someone sees the sentence in the previous example, he would not believe that the person is actually angry or displeased; rather, he would think that the person at the other end is using the smiley to achieve a comical effect. Like in any group or subculture, a means to indicate that one understands or one belongs is necessary in order for one to be truly part of that group. This is another purpose of Internet slang: it lets people identify themselves as part of the Internet culture. Like a secret handshake, knowledge of this language is more or less required for one to be a true â€Å"Netizen†Ã¢â‚¬â€an Internet denizen. In fact, one can observe that some groups in the Internet will even go as far as mocking those who has little knowledge about the words or phrases, or if he misuses them. In instances like these, the misinformed user will be referred to as a â€Å"n00b†, a derogatory term derived from the word â€Å"newbie†, which means a newcomer (Wikipedia 2007). With the rising availability, affordability, and popularity of computers and Internet access, Netspeak has found itself a wider user base than ever before. Indeed, this language has become so popular that it has begun to creep into people’s offline lives—popular acronyms like â€Å"LOL† and â€Å"WTF† (both of which can be typed in lowercase, as well as most other Internet acronyms), as well as many of the words can be found in mobile text messages, in television and movies, and even in the spoken language. However, teachers and other academic personnel and proponents are not too keen on this new language. Many people seem to regard this spread of Netspeak as nothing but harmful and degrading to intelligence, especially those of students. Jodi Schenck (Arditti  ¶;3), a high school teacher at the Rothberg Comprehensive High School in Israeli, recounts her students using Netspeak in academic writing: using the symbol â€Å"4† instead of â€Å"for†, using the letter â€Å"u† instead of spelling out â€Å"you†, and acronyms like â€Å"LOL†. It is also difficult, according to Schenck, to prevent the students from doing this (Arditti  ¶;3). To many teachers, like Schenck, Netspeak is corrupting the English language and is detrimental to a student’s intelligence. The problem is that it is so popular, and sometimes people might not be aware of the fact that they are already using them outside of the Internet, or that they are not acceptable in writing. Internet slang, much like regular slang, are only meant for use during casual conversations (or in the case of Netspeak, chatrooms and informal emails and messages). However, some people will disagree. As it resembles a new language on its own, linguists will give it due treatment, and defend it. Professor David Crystal, a linguist, in fact thinks that it is not a corruption but an enhancement to the English language (NPR 2007). He believes that it adds more variety and a wider choice for speakers and non-speakers alike of English by extending the range, expressiveness, and richness of the language. This is yet another purpose of Internet lingo. It may be necessary, however, to limit its use to casual conversations only. Students should still be required to differentiate between formal and informal speech, and when either should be used. Since Netspeak is considered a form of informal speech, it should stay away from formal and academic papers. The adoption of phrases and terms used in the Internet as a form of language is a fairly recent move. Due to its many purposes—as a time-saver, as a way to express feelings and emotions where it was otherwise impossible, as a symbol of belonging, and as an enrichment to the language—Internet slang, Netspeak, or Internet lingo deserves its place in the English language. It serves its purposes well, and are actually quite useful to know, especially now when almost everyone is using the Internet and this form of speech. It may still be confusing to some people, and may be misused at some places, but through proper education, the ubiquity of Internet slang should not pose a threat to corrupt the English language. Works Cited: Anderson, Andrew. â€Å"Usenet History.† The Network Administrator’s Guide.1996. 27 June 2007. . Arditti, Avi. â€Å"When Netspeak Enters Formal Writing, Teachers are Anything but LOL.† 2007. 25 June 2007.   . Ulaby, Neda. â€Å"OMG: IM Slang is Invading Everyday English.† National Public Radio. 2006. 25 June 2007. Wikipedia. â€Å"List of Internet Slang Phrases.† 2007. 27 June 2007. .

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Actinium Facts - Element 89 or Ac

Actinium Facts - Element 89 or Ac Actinium is the radioactive element that has atomic number 89 and element symbol Ac. It was the first non-primordial radioactive element to be isolated, although other radioactive elements had been observed before actinium. This element possesses several unusual and interesting characteristics. Here are the properties, uses, and sources of Ac. Actinium Facts Actinium is a soft, silver-colored metal that glows pale blue in the dark because the radioactivity ionizes air. Actinium reacts with moisture and oxygen to form a white coating of actinium oxide that protects the underlying metal from further oxidation. The shear modulus of element 89 is estimated to be similar to that of lead.Andre Debierne claimed discovery of an element he named actinium, working from a sample of pitchblende supplied by Marie and Pierre Curie. Debierne was unable to isolate the new element (which modern analysis reveals might not have been element 89, but rather protactinium). Friedrich Oskar Giesel independently discovered actinium in 1902, calling it emamium. Giesel went on to become the first person to isolate a pure sample of the element. Debiernes name was retained because his discovery had seniority. The name comes from the Ancient Greek word aktinos, which means ray or beam.The actinide series of elements, a group of metals between actinium and lawrencium possessing similar properties, takes its name from actinium. Actinium is considered the first transition metal in period 7 (although sometimes lawrencium is assigned that position). Although the element gives its name to the actinide group, most of the chemical properties of actinium are similar to those of lanthanum and other lanthanides.The most common oxidation state of actinium is 3. Actinium compounds have similar properties to lanthanum compounds.Natural actinium is a mix of two isotopes: Ac-227 and Ac-228. Ac-227 is the most abundant isotope. It is primarily a beta emitter, but 1.3% of decays yield alpha particles. Thirty-six isotopes have been characterized. The most stable is Ac-227, which has a half-life of 21.772 years. Actinium also has two meta states.Actinium occurs naturally in trace amounts in uranium and thorium ores. Because its difficult to isolate the element from ore, the most common way to produce actinium is by neutron irradiation of Ra-226. Milligram samples may be prepared in this manner within nuclear reactors.To date, there has been minimum industrial use of actinium because it is rare and expensive. The isotope actinium-227 might have use in radioisotope thermoelectric generators. Ac-227 pressed with beryllium is a good neutron source and may be used as a neutron probe for well logging, radiochemistry, radiography, and tomography. Actinium-225 is used for radiation cancer treatment.  Ac-227 may also be used to model water mixing in the ocean. There is no known biological function for actinium. It is both radioactive and toxic. It is considered slightly less toxic than the radioactive element plutonium and americium. When rats were injected with actinium trichloride, about half of the actinium was deposited in the liver and one-third into the bones. Because of the health risk it presents, actinium and its compounds should only be handled with a glove box. Actinium Properties Element Name: Actinium Element Symbol: Ac Atomic Number: 89 Atomic Weight: (227) First Isolated By (Discoverer):  Friedrich Oskar Giesel (1902) Named By:  Andrà ©-Louis Debierne (1899) Element Group: group 3, d block, actinide, transition metal Element Period: period 7 Electron Configuration:  [Rn] 6d1  7s2 Electrons per Shell:  2, 8, 18, 32, 18, 9, 2 Phase: solid Melting Point:  1500  K   (1227  Ã‚ °C, 2240  Ã‚ °F)   Boiling Point:3500  K (3200  °C, 5800  °F)   extrapolated value Density:  10  g/cm3 near room temperature Heat of Fusion: 14 kJ/mol Heat of Vaporization: 400 kJ/mol Molar Heat Capacity:  27.2  J/(mol ·K) Oxidation States:  3, 2 Electronegativity: 1.1 (Pauling scale) Ionization Energy: 1st:  499  kJ/mol, 2nd:  1170  kJ/mol, 3rd:  1900  kJ/mol Covalent Radius: 215 picometers Crystal Structure: face-centered cubic (FCC)

Monday, October 21, 2019

My Work Experience Diary Essay Example

My Work Experience Diary Essay Example My Work Experience Diary Essay My Work Experience Diary Essay It was my first day of work experience, (I worked at the Morrisons head office at the Cutler Heights Division) I woke up at 8:00a. m, and I got ready and went downstairs and ate breakfast. I went to my work experience with my brother in his car, I got there on time, I was nervous and thought it was going to be boring but it was quite interesting really. I went inside and the receptionist told me to sit down while she called someone. A man named Mike came and took me into the administration department and into his office. (He was the company accountant). He told me all about the company and what it does and what I was going to do. I had my own desk with a computer. I started off with some filing and later on I did some production orders on the computer. There were 7 people in the same as room as me. They were friendly and kind to me. I finished at approximately 3:00, the senior clerk (whose name was Angela) told me I had done a good job and I could go home. I was working next to a motorway and had to go through tunnels to get to the bus stop. At first I couldnt find the bus stop but after ten minutes I found it and had to wait for about five minutes before the bus came. I got on and I found out that the bus was going the other way from which I came in the morning, but I thought he might be going another way so I sat down. I was worried I might be going somewhere else so I thought I should ask him, when I asked him he told me Huddersfield. I told him to let me off at the next bus stop and asked him where the bus stop to Bradford was. He told me and I got off and I had to walk quite a long way back, but I found the bus stop straight way and got on, this time I asked the bus driver where the bus was going and he told me Bradford. I was relieved, I sat down and got home fifteen twenty minutes later. The next day, I woke up earlier because I had to go on the bus. I didnt want to go because I was tired but I managed to get up and get ready. I got at my workplace on time. I went to my desk and sat down and waited for the Angela to come and tell me what work I should do. I started off doing some lot number accounting that was just sorting out some lot numbers. I did that for most of the day and did some typing on the computer later on; I was bored to death and shattered at the end of the day. I went straight home and went to sleep for a few hours. The next few days were the same, I felt like not coming but I thought I might as well. On the last day of the first week the manager Karen asked me, how I was settling in and if I liked the work or not. I said, Its alright. I was happy at the end of the day when I went home so I could go home and relax. The next week on Monday, I wasnt feeling too well, so I decided not to go, so I stayed at home and watched TV and played on my computer. II phoned and told my manager that I wasnt coming in and she said it was fine and told me that she hoped I would be better tomorrow. The next two days I went to work and did similar work on both days, which were typing, and some filing. On Thursday I went quite late because I overslept and Angela was talking to Karen, when I went in I was a bit nervous because I thought she might ask me why I came late but when I went in Angela looked at her watch and gave Karen a glance to tell her that I was late but Karen didnt notice her. She just came over and gave me some paper to sort out. Later on when everyone had gone to lunch, Angela came to me and asked me why I came late, I told her that I overslept and I apologized to her. She said if this was a real job, the manager wouldve given me a warning and some bosses may even throw me out. The rest of the day I did some production orders and went home before 3:00 because everyone was finishing early so I got home early. The next day I made sure I went in early and they were all working when I went in, I went to the desk and started doing the work that was already on the desk. At break everyone went to get a snack from the canteen but I was fasting so I had to stay. Karen asked me how Id liked the job and I said it was very good. I did some filing and accounting and finished at 3:00 and said goodbye to everyone and I left and took one last look at the Morrisons Company and left smiling.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Case study on cafe expresso

This is a detailed report on a research case study cafe expresso. This report throws light on how the company was facing problems because of their stagnant marketing strategy. And how did the company loose its market share and went to number three position after it faced down fall. They appointed a new chief executive Ben Thomson who brought up many changes in the company. This report also highlights about Ben Thomson’s leadership qualities. In this context few of important types of leadership theories and styles are explained. Ben Thomson also appointed Kam Patel as a new global HR who brought many important changes in the organization. This report critically analyses the situation of the cafe expresso and the role played by Ben Thomson and Kam patel, through underpinning theories of leadership, human recourse management and team work. The report also makes few recommendations to the company that will help the company to grow with its goodwill and will be able to get back to the number one position in the market with new name and fame. Table of Contents 1. 0. Introduction†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 5 LITERATURE REVIEW Introduction This case study elaborates us about a cafe house which was one amongst the most well reputed cafe houses in the world. Due to certain unfavorable situations, the cafe expresso had to face some problems. This report has discussed about Leadership, human resource management and team work in relation to this case study. I have also highlighted certain points on leadership styles and quality, human resource management characteristics and factors, team work and working effectively with the team. The report gives a clear picture on how the company worked together and how the new chief executive Ben Thomson worked in the situation of crisis. Then when the new HR director was appointed what kind of strategies she applied and what kind of new innovative idea she came up with, to encourage and motivate employees. It also discusses what kind of strategic planning she followed and so on. Strategic participation is very important for HR executives who desire to have increased influence in their company. A number of prior studies have suggested a great connection between Human resource management and strategic planning (Uen and Ahlstrom, 2012). Leadership is a special quality that not all individual possess. It is a kind of talent that has to be developed. According to Claydon. et. al, (2010, pg. 295), leadership in an organizational role involves establishing a clear vision and sharing that vision with others so that they follow willingly. In other words, the activity of leading people or a group of people or an organization or the capacity to follow the aim is called as leadership. The report also elaborates on team work and how the entire team in the organization helped the organization to get back its number one position. According to Claydon. et. al, (2010, pg. 650), â€Å"team work is difficult part of administration as it involves employees to work together trying their best to work under any situations and circumstances†. In other words, team work is the process of working together collaboratively with a team of people in order to achieve a goal . The main things that are highlighted in this report is, how did cafe expresso prelaunch their marketing strategy to get back their number one position back. According to Torrington and Hall (2011, pg. 57) â€Å"Human resource management includes conducting job, planning the needs, training orienting, communicating, recruiting the right people for right job†. It was an administrative discipline of engaging and developing employees so that they become more valuable to the organization. The report gives a clear picture of performance management and how did all employees work together to attain the goal. According to Kleynhams, Markham. et. al (2007), â€Å"A work of an employee is to progress towards predetermined goals†. LITERATURE REVIEW Cafe Expresso was one of the most leading cafe houses and it was also one among top three players in the cafe house. Cafe expresso had enjoyed 15 years of advantage of being on number one position. The main drawback which was committed by Cafe expresso was that, they being in a dynamic service sector, they did not change their marketing strategy and hence it caused them a problem, because other competitors from coffee world took over their business strategy and hence they had to face a major drawback in the market. Cafe expresso lost its market share. For a company to succeed in the turbulence of today’s business markets, it must never stand still or allow employees mindsets to congeal. This was one of the main mistakes committed by cafe espresso. Cafe expresso did not patent their company, so that any other companies couldn’t copy their business strategy. (Smith and Day, 2000). Strategic planning in many organizations has never given space for strategic thinking. However the planning is not sufficient. The requirement for strategic planning has never been in demand (Uehlinger,2004). Valuing employees in crucial time and communicating with them can help employee to motivate and reduce tension among employees. It helps building of essential trust and commitment to company. When the company hired a new chief executive Ben Thomson he transformed the entire organizational strategy. Ben Thomson took over the company’s marketing policy to a new level and helped it to come up with new marketing strategy. LEADERSHIP STYLES AND QUALITIES In a business there is a leadership style called â€Å"transformational leadership† which is essential and effective. Transformational leaders have ability, skills and integrity by which they encourage people to manage and communicate (Clegg, et. al, 2011, pg. 141). There are other few styles of leadership that are very famous like, 1. Transactional Leadership 2. Autocratic Leadership 3. Bureaucratic Leadership 4. Charismatic Leadership 1. Transactional Leadership According to Clegg,et. al, (2011, pg. ,138), â€Å"Transactional Leadership is a leadership style that starts with an idea that, the followers agrees to obey their leader â€Å". In this kind of leadership the leader has all the right towards their employees. This is such a kind of leadership which is based on management more than a dictator kind of leadership. In this kind of leadership the employees are encouraged by giving incentives, commission etc. 2. Autocratic Leadership According to Torrington,et. al, (1998, pg. 295), â€Å"Autocratic Leadership is a kind of leadership is an extreme kind of leadership where only the leaders have control over their employees†. This kind of leadership is used only in crisis when any kind of complex decisions have to be taken. That permits groups to relate their attention on performing there given tasks and vision, mission. 3. Bureaucratic Leadership According Torrington,et. al (1998,pg. 299), â€Å"Bureaucratic leadership is a Style where they work by books, follow procedures and ensure that their people work accordingly†. This can cause resentment when members don’t follow their advice or expertise. 4. Charismatic Leadership According to Clegg. et. al, (2011, pg. 139) â€Å"the difference between charismatic and transformational leadership lies between their main intention. The important side of charismatic leaders is that they believe more in self than in teamwork. In this kind of leadership if leaders take wrong decisions the whole company collapses. From the above mentioned 4 types of leadership, it can be concluded that, Ben Thomson was a transactional leader. He took up all the important managerial responsibility of the organization and also encouraged his employees simultaneously. We can also call him a charismatic leader, because he came up with certain ideas of employing a new global HR who took up the risk and applied it in an organization, where all the employees agreed to work accordingly and hence they succeeded to achieve their goal. According to the charismatic style of leadership the main intention was to reintroduce the entire marketing strategy in an organization. Kam Patel also can be regarded as transactional and charismatic leader. She took up risk of giving the opportunity to the store managers to take interview of new candidates and also gave opportunity to selected candidates to work on half-trial basis. According to Sparrow,et. al (1998, pg. 245), â€Å"a magnanimous leader is one who sees that a proper credit is given to all his/her employees†. Kam Patel is a magnanimous leader. This kind of leaders helps the employees to concentrate and grow better day-by-day. To become famous and take responsibility of failure needs courage that is a hallmark of leadership. HUMAN RESOURCE STRATEGY According to Torrington, et. al, (1998,pg. 69), the human resource management is about assurance and attitude, which is carried in business environment. (Eg: Kam Patel took into consideration about the wages and interest of employees). The following few factors are taken in to consideration while discussing about HRM. 1. Environmental factors 2. Share Holder 3. Human resource strategy 4. Long-term outcomes. According to Maund. et. al, (2001, pg. 71), human resource management has become very popular in western countries. It is very important how HRM is being handled for the success of the business. Like fashion and new trends in technology the human resource strategy also keeps changing day to day. Characteristics of Human resource management (Maund,. et. al. 2001,pg. 32. ) 1. A particular path of promises and hypothesis 2. A strategy informing and involving decision about employee 3. The central participation of all managers 4. Reliability to improve employment relationship. 5. Huaman resource management is about commitment, trust and employee-centered According to Wright, Gehart, et. al, (2010, pg. 350), companies that look for competitive advantage from employees must be ready to manage the outputs and attitudes of all the employees. Performance appraisal is a legal/official duty that is followed by managers and is accepted as the primary responsibility of human resource function. Managers now look at performance appraisal as annual belief. Kam Patel was very much aware of the situation and the environment in the organization hence she took a decision of making performance appraisal by making the employees of the organization as partners of cafe expresso. This was one of the new HR strategy which was introduced by her. She also stressed more on the following points like business strategy, resourcing and retention, learning and development, talent management, employee involvement and communication, compensation, incentives and benefits. Motivation: According to Maslow (1965), motivation refers to encouragement or supporting to work more effectively (Clegg, Kornberger and Pitsis,2011, pg. 148). In this context, it shows how Kam Patel, also focused on the compensation and benefits. She introduced new discount program, where the employees of the organization could have 30% of discount in all coffee stores globally. PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Performance management is one of the key factors that are supposed to be included in the management sector (Loewenberger, 2012). It includes few essential factors like, 1. Leading and motivating 2. Learning and development 3. Reward and recognition 4. Involvement, participation, and empowerment 5. Managing teams 6. Assessing performance Performance management is one of the key factors in the organization because it involves the efforts that are taken by the management and the leader (Loewenberger, 2012). The cafe expresso had to concentrate more on performance management because they had lost their market share. And also, because of less wages, they had few employees. So they had to concentrate more on performance management criteria to get back their position, because some where Ben Thomson and Kam Patel knew, how to handle and deal with performance management. Hence they were successful. TEAM WORK According to Torrington and Hall, (1998, pg. 335), a team can be described as a certain number of individuals working together to achieve a common goal. While performing in an organization the team comes at the beginning and the individual comes later. All the task that individual member does is regarded as the fulfillment towards the teams goal rather then their individual credibility. In other words, a team can be termed as more psychologically committed to each other to achieve a common target in which all employees are involved and share some amount of responsibility and outcome (Clegg, Kornberger and Pitsis, 2011, pg. 88). In the case of Cafe expresso, Kam Patel encouraged the employees of the organization to work in unity. She focused on appointing new partners through window advertising and verbal evidence. This approach worked very well for her because quite a lot of partners actually understood the marketing strategy and marketing approach of the organization. This kind of behavioral approach shows how Kam Patel worked indirectly on teamwork and took efforts to reach out to the employees. FUNCTIONS OF TEAM WORK (Loewenberger, 2012): 1. Task 2. Maintenance 3. Self-orientated 4. Collective performance 5. Positive energy 6. Complementary skills TASKS PERFORMED BY TEAM WORK Task is one of the main functions of team when they work together. A real team has a common approach goal and strategy to work together to achieve its goal. While working in team if people don’t challenge each other they will not be able to work effectively and independently. In a high-functioning team, people enjoy their work because any problem which comes across the team, becomes a challenge to them and hence they enjoy it. So any problem or difficult situation which ever comes across them they take it as a challenge (Loewenberger, 2012). In the case of cafe expresso the loss of market share and the loss of their number one position was one of the main challenges and it was a very difficult situation.. CONCLUSION It is believed employees and relationships are at the core of the business success. Hence from the above report we can draw a conclusion that cafe expresso was one of the leading cafe expresso and due to their stagnant marketing strategy they did not bring in any essential changes in their organization. Hence their marketing strategy remained the same for 15 years. In the mean time, other coffee houses copied their marketing strategies and plans, which affected their market share and hence they lost their position in the market. Under the active leadership of Ben Thomson and Kam Patel, the company undertook many new steps and tried to improve their marketing strategy. Kam Patel being the new HR manager introduced few ideas because of which the company got its position back. Even the employees were encouraged and motivated. Because of above factors, they recaptured their market share to some extent and were able to move to number two positions as the best cafe house across the globe. The company made many changes and followed new practices in the area of HRM, teamwork, leadership, and performance management to resolve their problems. When Ben Thomson and Kam Patel worked together as a team they were very successful and hence they enjoyed their work and came up with new strategies, which actually helped the team to achieve their market share and also helped to regain their position in the market. When Kam Patel actually brought up the new policy of making the employees as the business partners this strategy helped directly to the organization because each and every individual would with more interest and enthusiasm because they would feel that somewhere they were also responsible towards the success of the company. The strategy of feedback from customers helped the organization to develop and improve . She also introduced a coffee program called â€Å"coffee master â€Å"which enabled the employees to become ambassador. The discount of 30%added up to motivate the employees in a positive attitude. RECOMMENDATION After the analysis of the case study as a management student I strongly recommend SWOT analysis that is explained below with help of a diagram. Internal Factors STRENGTHS WEAKNESS Marketing expertise Innovation Location Quality process Business that adds value to service Un- differentiated service Risk of stagnant marketing strategy Low employee morale Wage plan External Factors OPPORTUNITY THREAT Improve performance Innovation Patents Adding of new services Endorsements by celebrities Can be expensive Can be copied Can become hectic work for employees Can cause a problem for taxation 1. The company should introduce a scheme where a particular employee is been rewarded regardless of his incentives. 2. The company should develop their own USP to reach out to more customers. 3. The company should understand the competitor’s strategy well and try to be more innovate in their own strategy reach out to more customers in order to regain their number one position. 4. The company should carry out some training sessions that are going to be more creative and fun 5. The customers who visit regularly should be given some discount when the customer buys any mega deal 6. The company should maintain the standard salary of the industry to retain their employees. 7. The customers should be given a card on which they can add credit points on the basis of coffee they purchase so that when the customer buys the same coffee next time he gets a discount. 8. The customer should be encouraged to invest in the companies share by doing this the customer will indirectly help the company to advertise and hence the company will get publicity. 9. If the company adds some more kind of flavors and varieties this will attract the customers.

Friday, October 18, 2019

US Taxation Benchmark #3 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

US Taxation Benchmark #3 - Assignment Example The fact that Mia does not paint for the purpose of profit qualifies her artwork venture as a hobby rather than a business. Since Mia’s expenses are hobby expenses, she may not claim a loss from her artwork, although she can deduct the expense from the income from her artworks. An expense is reasonable if, in its nature and amount, it does not exceed what a prudent person would incur in the context of competitive business. Reasonableness of specific expenses must be examined with precise care in connection with the motive of the business venture, whether for profit or non-profit. If an initial review of the facts results in a test of a specific expense by the business entity, the burden of proof shall be upon the entity to establish that such expense is reasonable. A reasonable expense depends on a variety of factors such as whether it is the type of expense generally recognized as necessary and ordinary for the conduct of the entity’s business. Furthermore, the trading activities should exhibit adherence to relevant laws and regulations, generally accepted sound business practices, and arm’s-length bargaining. The U.S congress enacted the Internal Revenue Code in order to tax net income. According to the legislation, taxable income, whether obtained illegally or legally is subject to federal income tax rules. A business bad debt is a loss due to the worthlessness of a debt was created in the course of the business or it closely related to the business entity when it became worthless. Debts closely relate to a business if the primary motive of incurring them is business related. The main cause of business bad debt is credit sales. Businesses deduct their bad debts from the gross income when figuring their taxable income. Businesses can deduct bad debts in part or in full. Businesses can claim a business bad debt using either the nonaccrual experience method or the specific charge-off method. Nonbusiness debts

Environmental Assessment Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Environmental Assessment - Case Study Example Surflan or oryzalin as it’s commonly referred, is a pre-emergent herbicide used to control turf grass, it’s selected for use during dry seasons and applied at the onset of rain to kill turf grass. It lasts for 2 to 8 months upon application and provides efficient control for annual grass and weeds with broad leaves. This refers to the way in which the herbicide suppresses the growth or kills a weed. Surflan acts by inhibiting plant growth when the recommended amount of 1.5 ounces is applied per 1000feet. The plant absorbs the solution, and then translocates it to the active sites in the plant cells where it stops various biomedical reactions thereby killing the plant. It has been noted that long exposure to Surflan herbicides may increase one’s chances of contracting certain types of cancer. Among the people at higher risk are farmers and gardeners, technical salespersons and manufacturer’s agents. The herbicide has been known for cancers of large intestines, prostrate, nose, pancreas, breast, lungs and ovary. It has also been linked to leukemia, skin rashes and Parkinson’s disease. Despite its effectiveness in controlling turf grass and other stubborn weeds, Surflan herbicides are among those that pose great danger to the environment. This is so because it is less volatile and has fewer tendencies to leaching. Volatile here means the easiness with which the solution can change from its liquid to gas state through the process of evaporation. Leaching on the other hand refers to loss of soluble nutrients form a carrier as a result of rain. This indicates that Surflan, when applied, stays on the top of the soil for long and can be swept by water to rivers where it causes undue hazard to fish and other animals that consume and live in that water (Johnson & Hall, 2002). In places where the farm fields are across the street and playing grounds, Surflan has effects on a number of individuals including the street and play ground users.

Not sure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4

Not sure - Essay Example Bargaining for love is equivalent to trade. It is difficult to give a clean chit to Hamlet by analyzing the various phases of his relationship and professed love to Ophelia. Funeral oration (the incident at the grave of Ophelia) cannot be the true index of love. Heart is the real domain of love and not the logic and reasoning of the head. The more intense is the reasoning, more doubts it creates about genuinely. A lover is not like the lawyer trying to argue a false case. For example, the content and language of his letter to Ophelia that Polonius reads before the king and queen doesn’t sound creditworthy. Hamlet’s love looks like the flight of imagination, the dew of the morning that will melt facing the truth of sunshine. The warning by her brother Laertes that Hamlet’s love is a passing phase seems correct. If it is true love, should it change often as it happens in the case of Hamlet? True love is not situational. Will an individual feign madness to bitterly hurt his love? That situation could be the necessity of Shakespeare to give intelligent twist to the plot of the drama. But Hamlet doesn’t do justice to the cause of true love. Yet, he gives proof about his love in the above letter by claiming, â€Å" To the celestial and my soul's idol, the most beautified Ophelia ... Doubt thou the stars are fire, doubt that the sun doth move, doubt truth to be a liar, but never doubt I love." (II, 2) But this looks like the calculated overflow of the feelings. In the later part of the play his love diminishes and the reason given is that the brother and father of Ophelia are studying his moves for his objective to oppose the fructification of love. In such a situation an individual needs to be more firm. The opposition from the side of a girl in the situation like the one in which Ophelia was placed was but normal. When firm display of love was required, Hamlet backtracked. Professing love, when the going is good is not the indication of true love. Adverse circumstances are the testing times. Hamlet’s bitter speech in a harsh tone when he states, â€Å"Get thee to a nunnery!† and then accusing Ophelia, and all women, of the crimes of his mother guilty of, go against his professed love. Can an individual who truly loves, can hurl accusations, insult and berate to the extent which Hamlet does? One, who is against the entire women-folk, cannot love a girl from the bottom of one’s heart. He should have found ways and means to keep the lines of communication with her. Even in the graveyard incident mentioned above, silence on the part of Hamlet on that occasion would have said much about his love than the virulent words defending his love. His contradictory pronouncements of "I did love you once" (III.i.114) and "I loved you not" (III.i.117) do nothing more than further verify Hamlet's lack of control over his own mind, which establishes one of his innate flaws. Hamlet’s misadventures in love are due to his psychological problems. His women characters are like the barometers to indicate how women were treated during the Elizabethan era. Women had no private emotional world of their own, as they were unimportant to men. Take the example of Polonius who was the domineering father who decisively interferes in the emotional world of his daughter and she is not allowed to talk to the man she loves. He argues: â€Å"Marry, well bethought 'Tis told me he hath very oft of late Given private time to you, and you yourself

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Profile of President Ronald Reagan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Profile of President Ronald Reagan - Essay Example During his term as a president, it was commonly known among the staff of white house that he gave effort in reading fan mails and in his own writing sends letters to them. Before Reagan run for the office, he was the president of the Screen Actors Guild. He became involved over the issue of communism in the film industry. His political views shifted from liberal to conservative ( His skills helped him gain popularity among people and this is evident when he toured the country as a television host, carrying the idealism of conservatism and becoming its spokesman. As a result, he was elected Governor of California and was re-elected in 1970. Reagan became the Republican President in 1980 and he chose former Texas Congressman and United Nations Ambassador George Bush as his running mate. While announcing his run for the presidency, he was able to communicate clearly his vision by saying, â€Å"At the heart of our message should be five simple familiar words. No big economic theories. No sermons on political philosophy. Just five short words: family, work, neighborhood, freedom, peace†. He won 489 electoral votes to 49 for President Jimmy Carter. Reagan took office on January 20, 1981. Only 69 days later, he was shot by a would-be assassin. But before he allowed to be brought to the hospital, he delivered his one-hour speech. And while on the hospital bed before being brought to the operation room, he remarked to the hospital staff, â€Å"Please assure me that you are all Republicans†. He was able to recover quickly and returned to duty. His wit and grace during the dangerous incident cause his popularity to soar. The president was able to deal with Congress and obtained legislation that stimulated economic growth, control inflation, increased employment and strengthen national defense.   In short, he was able to improve the economy of U.S.A. He cut taxes and government expenditures.  

Strategic Marketing Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Strategic Marketing Management - Essay Example Strategic marketing plan is appropriately observed as a continuous process as this assists the particular organization to recognize the objectives that it aims to attain. In this context, it is important to be noted that the objectives of any organization cannot remain the same throughout and needs to be changed according to the alterations in the business environment. In this period of ever changing business environment, only a proper strategic marketing plan can help an organization sustain. Strategic Marketing Planning in the Sports Sector The sport industry has started to acknowledge the worth and the need of a proper plan of strategic marketing. There have been little facts regarding the relationship that is said to exist among the performances and a proper marketing plan in relation to an organization. However, there has been conflict between numerous researchers of sports about the fact that unless enhancements are made in the actions of a strategic marketing plan, it would not be possible for the sports industry to persist to live on in an environment that is so competitive (Shoham & Kahle, 1996). The process for designing a proper strategic marketing plan with regard to the sports industry is proposed below.... In this context, it is important to be noted that the objectives of any organization cannot remain the same throughout and needs to be changed according to the alterations in the business environment. In this period of ever changing business environment, only a proper strategic marketing plan can help an organization sustain. Strategic Marketing Planning in the Sports Sector The sport industry has started to acknowledge the worth and the need of a proper plan of strategic marketing. There have been little facts regarding the relationship that is said to exist among the performances and a proper marketing plan in relation to an organization. However, there has been conflict between numerous researchers of sports about the fact that unless enhancements are made in the actions of a strategic marketing plan, it would not be possible for the sports industry to persist to live on in an environment that is so competitive (Shoham & Kahle, 1996). The process for designing a proper strategic m arketing plan with regard to the sports industry is proposed below. The steps that are included in the proposed structure are based on the studies of Shilbury & Et. Al. (1998), Kotler (1997), McDonald (1999) and Lancaster & Massingham (1996): 1. Ascertaining the mission statement of the organization 2. The corporate objectives associated with the particular organization should be laid down 3. Analyzing the environment of the market To evaluate the external market environment where the organization competes that is the outside forces and the competitive market among others To evaluate the inner environment of the organization that is the financial capabilities of the particular organization, marketing, and manufacturing among others 4. Performing a SWOT

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Follow the details Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Follow the details - Essay Example Like many photographs, this one is one in which my entire family is gathered about the time when I was celebrating my 10th birthday. One of the reasons that the photograph bears so much importance to me is that it has both sets of my grandparents as well as my mother and father in it. Only a few years after the photo was taken, three of my four grandparents had passed away. In this way, the photo itself is a way to remember the happiest memories of my childhood. The second object is one that I have brought with me in my travels abroad; a leather bound copy of the Holy Koran. The book belonged to my father and my grandfather before him. It was always something that was unique and holy within our household and I remember being fascinated by it since I was very young. This fascination was due in part to the fact that it was physically different than all other books that we had in our house. The leather engraving on the cover and on the back was exquisite and the Arabic calligraphy that covered it had always sparked my imagination. In this way, when my father learned that I would be going overseas to study, he entrusted me with this family treasure. This was done not as a way to keep me safe or as a good luck charm but to remind me of my culture and of the importance of my upbringing even though I would be far away in the land of different customs and interpretations of right and wrong. This type of moral compass and guiding principle of my fai th and of my ethnicity was and is something that I keep close to my heart and treasure to this very day. The final article that this brief essay will discuss is that of my high school graduation diploma. Although having a high school graduation diploma in and of itself signifies little within the current era, it is not the receipt of the diploma itself that is of the most importance. Rather, it is the strong memories that are associated with it, the friendships I made, the times I spent, and the

Strategic Marketing Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Strategic Marketing Management - Essay Example Strategic marketing plan is appropriately observed as a continuous process as this assists the particular organization to recognize the objectives that it aims to attain. In this context, it is important to be noted that the objectives of any organization cannot remain the same throughout and needs to be changed according to the alterations in the business environment. In this period of ever changing business environment, only a proper strategic marketing plan can help an organization sustain. Strategic Marketing Planning in the Sports Sector The sport industry has started to acknowledge the worth and the need of a proper plan of strategic marketing. There have been little facts regarding the relationship that is said to exist among the performances and a proper marketing plan in relation to an organization. However, there has been conflict between numerous researchers of sports about the fact that unless enhancements are made in the actions of a strategic marketing plan, it would not be possible for the sports industry to persist to live on in an environment that is so competitive (Shoham & Kahle, 1996). The process for designing a proper strategic marketing plan with regard to the sports industry is proposed below.... In this context, it is important to be noted that the objectives of any organization cannot remain the same throughout and needs to be changed according to the alterations in the business environment. In this period of ever changing business environment, only a proper strategic marketing plan can help an organization sustain. Strategic Marketing Planning in the Sports Sector The sport industry has started to acknowledge the worth and the need of a proper plan of strategic marketing. There have been little facts regarding the relationship that is said to exist among the performances and a proper marketing plan in relation to an organization. However, there has been conflict between numerous researchers of sports about the fact that unless enhancements are made in the actions of a strategic marketing plan, it would not be possible for the sports industry to persist to live on in an environment that is so competitive (Shoham & Kahle, 1996). The process for designing a proper strategic m arketing plan with regard to the sports industry is proposed below. The steps that are included in the proposed structure are based on the studies of Shilbury & Et. Al. (1998), Kotler (1997), McDonald (1999) and Lancaster & Massingham (1996): 1. Ascertaining the mission statement of the organization 2. The corporate objectives associated with the particular organization should be laid down 3. Analyzing the environment of the market To evaluate the external market environment where the organization competes that is the outside forces and the competitive market among others To evaluate the inner environment of the organization that is the financial capabilities of the particular organization, marketing, and manufacturing among others 4. Performing a SWOT

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Historical Example of Labor Supply and Demand Essay Example for Free

Historical Example of Labor Supply and Demand Essay The Luddite Revolt was a part of history that was relatively unknown to me. As such I decided to read it in great length. What I discovered was that at the dawn of the industrial revolution there became massive unemployment. This is because traditional craftsman were obsolete to some of the new manufacturing processes of the day. The industrial revolution made handmade crafts a thing of the past. The luddites were not adapted to handle the situation. These craftsmen felt so threatened by the new technology that they resorted to breaking the means of production associated with it. In 1816 there was a violent revolt of a Luddites which resulted in the breakage of 53 frames at Heathcote and Boden mills in Loughsboro UK. The cost of this revolt was significant. With automated machines now able to produce goods at a faster and cheaper rate than individual merchants these people found themselves without economic viability. They were reduced to being unskilled factory workers instead of the skilled craftsmen they had been before. Consequentially their wages suffered. Work that would have gained someone financial stability or independence was now paid at a substantially less price. In addition these folks didn’t have the ability to sell their own goods any longer. As they were now working in someone else’s factory they had little or no control over what was the asking price of the end product. The frustration these people felt led to the Luddite Revolts.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Effects of Bullying

Effects of Bullying IS BULLYING COOL? Have you ever come across the word bullying before? Bullying is deliberately targeting someone who is different or vulnerable and intimidating them. Bullying is often repeated. It is aimed to belittle the other person and hurt them physically and emotionally. It is typically directed at certain groups or sorts of individuals such as a person from a certain background, race, religion or sexual orientation. These are just a few examples of why a person could get bullied and there are many more unexplained reason. The effects of bullying and why it needs to be countered There are many long term and short term effects bullying can have a person. The effect could vary on the type of bullying subjected to that individual but the lasting effects are always detrimental. Bullying effects a persons character development A recent study proves that a person can still be effected by bullying even after four decades. This shows how bullying effects the development of a childs character. It is shown that victims of bullying carry those feelings of doubt and insecurity about themselves through adulthood. This will often lead to suicidal thoughts and long term depression. Children who are bullied often have low self-esteem which they with them to adulthood. Would you want this to happen to you? Bullying effects a persons socialising skills Bullying could leave the victim feeling withdrawn from society and have a negative view on socialising. The victim of bullying often feels inferior and in doubt within society. This often leads to the victim being bullied again .The victim is often being left out of social norms and has a negative view on socialising. Bullying also makes the victim unable to overcome feelings of despair and subsequently lack the skills of social integration which means the idea of making friends becomes near enough impossible. This is because bullying changes the mentality of a person, by falsely making them believe that they are, always not worthy of attention. It is a very sad situation to be in. Effects the persons studies and academic background Over thousands of students are absent and miss school on a daily basis across the country because of the residing fear of being bullied. Bullying is a major concern in school institutions as students do not reach their maximum potential and ability when they are not in a safe and friendly environment. Bullying in a school makes the student feel afraid and despise the idea of attending school. Consequently, significant qualifications such as GCSE and A-level grades take a hit which means the prospect of progressing onto University becomes bleak. Suicide rates A recent study shows that 50% of suicides cases amongst the younger generation are related to bullying. Suicidal thoughts are the most severe effects of bullying. Many young children and adults alike have taken their lives because of being traumatically bullied in school. In recent news a young boy of only twelve years committed suicide after being subjected to harsh bullying after joining a new secondary school two weeks prior to his unfortunate death. The young boy was found hanging in his bedroom. There can be many factors leading up to suicide such as depression, low self-esteem and feeling worthless, are all feelings which are stimulated by bullying. Could you live with the guilt of knowing that you led someone so far? No? Then speak out against bullying before it is too late. Psychological effects of bullying There are many psychological effects which bullying has on a person. Bullying effects a person psychologically as it makes them believe that they are in the wrong even if theres not an explanation for it. It is like being in a constant state of doubt It makes them believe that they are worthless. This often leads to the victims developing depression and anxiety. To overcome symptoms of depression and anxiety many people take medication or consume alcohol. This can lead them to abusing these substances and relying on them on a daily basis, turning them into monsters of stress and anger. Also the psychological effects could be that victims of bullying turn to self-harm. Self-harm is deliberately punishing and hurting oneself in order to express their feelings of hurt and anger; a cry for help in other words Personal experience One of my close friends developed all these psychological effects at an early age in his life. He was bullied because of the appearance of his ears. Joking turned into teasing, teasing turned into swearing, and swearing turned into physical violence. Still he kept quiet. He was told many times that he was a freak and he should go kill himself. This in turn made him very depressed and suicidal. I would often ask him about the unexplainable cuts all over his arms. He would just shrug in response. He was publically shamed as a video of him was put onto social media. The video went viral and gained attention of all the people of the community. He was labelled as the beast of Birmingham. After the video was posted he went missing for weeks. No one could find him. After two months he was found. He had hung himself under a bridge. His well-known pair of ears were cut off with a pair of blunt scissors. This is just an example of the severity of bullying. Shocking isnt it? What you can do Anyone can help eradicate bullying and make a big impact on a persons life. Do not be a bystander, whether the bullying is in a school or online. If you witness bullying stand up to it or tell a teacher. You wont be considered a snitch or tell-tale, just think of it as saving someones life. Youll be a hero.