Saturday, August 31, 2019
Rugged Individualism
History as we know has many ways of describing it, with all the historical events that occurred in the past it is a result of our American system. As Americans, we live in a land of opportunity and because of that we have the freedom to live . ââ¬Å"Every individual should be able to support themselves out that wouldn't include the government's aidâ⬠. This idea was originally introduced in Herbert Hoover's speech when he was president of the United States. Although this idea refers back during the Great Depression, Hoover believed that Americans shouldn't be assisted somehow by the government, financially speaking.In my perspective, I see rugged individualism as to any individual who is not being aided from the government, but also not just financially, but incentively through the mind. As I read along through books that relate to the American Dream, Hoover's idea of rugged individualism became more visible. Similarly books like ââ¬Å"Ragged Dickâ⬠by Horatio Alger, â⬠Å"The Great Gatsbyâ⬠by Scott Fitzgerald and ââ¬Å"A Raison in the Sunâ⬠by Lorraine Hansberry, are comparable that the idea of rugged individualism is still being used and even through today's society.To illustrate rugged individualism through the book Ragged Dick, Alger created a book disclosing the 19th century lifestyle of a poor boot black. In this book rugged individualism shows because of how Alger describes the motivation through his main character ââ¬Å"Dickâ⬠. He was fourteen years young and worked as a ââ¬Ëbootblack' aka shoeshiner boy and slept in dirty torn up clothes on the streets of New York City. Alger portrayed him as any ordinary boy that lived the hard life in the streets; he smokes and drinks occasionally.However, Dick would still practice good deeds and some gentlemen would be impressed that how would a bootblack be so humble and attentive in his work in the streets of New York. ââ¬Å".. He was above doing anything mean or dishonorable. He would not steal, or cheat, or impose upon younger boys, but was frank and straight-forward, manly and self-reliant. His nature was a noble one, and had saved him from all mean faults. â⬠Dick is a good example of someone who I thought that reflected ruggedà individualism.He was brought up by himself and never had much of a role mode to look up to while growing up. He relied on himself to get customers to get their boots shined, he didn't complain about living on the streets or how filthy is his clothes was from the work that he does. In my point of view, Dick didn't have help from anyone, or didn't expect anything from anyone, and if he did he would be more than grateful and smart enough to invest it in the right ways.In the book, he was treated very well by an older man and his son, and during that time in the book he acted very humble as he explains that he lives on a cardboard box on the streets and didn't really see that hygiene wasn't so important to him, but what was im portant was how he was going to feed himself and live in the future. And as soon as he found a plan to get better at what he does he uses that money to save for an apartment and to invest in for the future. Although wealth can bring you happiness and success in life, it can also you direct you in the wrong places.The main character of the book by Fitzgerald is Gatsby who is a wealthy man. He tries to use his wealth to attract the attention of a women named Daisy. This is not the right way of to get someone to love you but he's also thinking that his money can bring him success of happiness. He believes that his money will make him succeed in his attempt to get Daisy to fall back in love with him. He would be known to throw the largest parties every saturday, and his guest wouldn't even know who is he truly and why there's a party. At that time in the early 1920's, every person in new york city loved to party.Furthermore Daisy likes the fancy things, the partying and it all seems so good, but her heart is still committed to her husband. Therefor Gatsby's plan was not successful because his plan wasn't a way of receiving love back. Rugged individualism may not seem evident, but it does in a way that Gatsby wanted to help from his money to get his dreams to come true didn't work out. For he wanted the parties to draw her attention, even his large land and big mansion couldn't help him to fulfill his dreams with Daisy. Lorraine Hansberry created a book that was about dreams.In the story A Raisin in the Sun, the main characters each have their own dream that they want to fulfill. The Youngers family struggle to attain these dreams through out the end of the story. Walter who is the man of the house wants to afford things for his family and give them a decent life to live and not having to hold back for his wife and kids. There's Beneatha his sister who wants to be a doctor and their Mama who just wants to best for their family. Although things didn't go as planned, fights and tension between Walter and his family even his wife, things became a learning lesson to each one.Mama always knew best, and when it all came down to one decision, it had to go Mama's way. That Walter had to turn down the offer of a big check to keep them from staying away from living at a all-white neighborhood. This taught Walter that his son, Travis, looks up to him as the man of the family, and in the long run, his decisions will be reflected on his son. He wouldn't want his son to think this is right. Walter was stubborn throughout the book that he just wanted to money to provide for his family, another house to live in, pearls to wear on his wife, and a better life for his son.But Walter didn't earn that money, it was just the life insurance of his father and he didn't earn any of it himself. In this book Walter is the example of rugged individualism because although he was stubborn to realize that it was wrong to receive that check to not live in an all-white neigh borhood. If he accepted it, the money coming in wouldn't be because he worked hard for it, it would because he wanted the white people to have their way of keeping their neighborhood an all-white neighborhood.But no one shouldn't be told to live a certain area because of their skin color. So when Walter rejects the offer, he is also accepting the fact that he will have to work harder to provide, and try to uplift his family in some way. It's better than uplifting his family in the wrong way by accepting that offer. That insurance check was tempting for Walter to accept, but he didn't and later when his son would grow older, he can then explain to him that he has worked for every bit of that money that kept his family together.In America today, we still struggle with people who don't live up to the idea of ââ¬Å"rugged individualismâ⬠. I believe it isn't really called by that term, but people know it as the American Dream. People who aren't familiar with both are those who thin k reaching your lifetime goals don't require any effort or any struggles. For those who become millionaires are results of hard work and labor that put in to achieve in life. Anything worth having is worth fighting for, and along the path there needs to be struggles and failures, but it is still a choice to keep trying and to not give up.History as we know has many its ways of describing it, throughout all the historical events that occurred in the past it is a result of our American system. As Americans, we live in a land of opportunity and because of that we have the freedom to live. With the three books that i've mentioned, they are examples of the having the opportunity to uplift themselves in their lives. In each book they have reflected to the idea called ââ¬Å"rugged individualismâ⬠which was introduced by Herbert Hoover when he was president of the United States.According to Hoover this idea meant that ââ¬Å"any each individual should be able to support themselves out that wouldn't include the government's aidâ⬠. Even so, I see rugged individualism as to any individual who isn't being aided from the government, but also not just financially, but incentively through the mind. As I read through the three books, each author had their ways of reflecting rugged individualism through their characters, and with the struggles and decisions they made through the books.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Wal-Mart Marketing Strategy
In the first class in Intensive in American Business, we discussed the reading assignment John D. Rockefeller and the Modern Corporation in Forbes. During the discussion, the professor mentioned Wal-Mart, a well-known retailer that owns large supply chain as The Standard Oil Company did to achieve its success. Being the largest retailer in the world, however, Wal-Mart may be relatively unfamiliar to students like me from Taiwan since it does not land here even though it planned to do so.In fact, it was actually my trip to China several years ago that makes my first reach with Wal-Mart. And after the class, I started to wonder, with the outstanding supply chain system, how and why could Wal-Mart stop its step developing in Taiwan? Does this fact mean that a nearly wonderful supply chain doesnââ¬â¢t mean everything in market? So, does this also show that maybe under certain circumstances, Rockefeller and his company cannot accomplish such success? Save Money. Live Better.Wal-Mart, t he largest retailer in the world, owns a huge supply chain as The Standard Oil Company did, which enables Wal-Mart to provide the cheapest products to its customers and makes its success. As The Standard Oil Company broaden its supply chain by from setting up barrel-making operation to controlling transportation problems including terminal warehouses and pipeline networks, Wal-Mart combines the supply chain from transporting and delivering to ordering and purchasing, which largely reduce the logistics costs and allow Wal-Mart to supply customers with the best price.To be more specific, for example, when linking up the suppliers, Wal-Mart provides them a system that can be directly entered by suppliers so as to realize the selling situation, predict the demanding amount of products, and decide the producing amount. In this supplying chain, Wal-Mart ought to make the whole supplying chain a very smooth, fluent, and steady one to save much money. Dedication to Charity However, like the resistances Rockefeller had encountered owing to the monopoly of the market, the protests against Wal-Mart are also occurring in not merely America but the world.For instance, a documentary named WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price points out several disadvantages brought by this huge retailer such as cheap labors without insurance and welfare, bad working environment and, what may causes the most attentions of other similar industries, the opportunities being taken away by Wal-Mart from local small-scale industries. Probably because of this, in my personal opinion, Wal-Mart dedicate to charities to make the public think that it do carry out corporate social responsibility and to increase the reputation so that they can eliminate, or at least decrease, the protest against it. Both Rockefeller and Wal-Mart actually fail to entirely assuage public resentful though. ) Wal-Mart in Taiwan So, the problem that attracts my attention most is that in my home country Taiwan, we have certain wholesalers like Costco and Carrefour and retailers like Wellcome and PXmart. Nevertheless, Wal-Mart, the largest retailer in the world, has never landed here even though it had planned to develop from the southern part of Taiwan by merging. Why? To my personal viewpoint, there are two main reasons of this condition basing my observation and analysis.First, the market for no matter retailing or wholesaling in Taiwan has already saturated. Even Carrefour, the market share champion in wholesaling in Taiwan, is having difficulties in its expansion. Not to mention the earlier comer Costco who has dominated the market of import goods. When most people in Taiwan, like my family, intend to buy plentiful imported goods, they would most likely opt to purchase at Costco. If Wal-Mart, a similar store to Costco, enter the market in Taiwan now, people are certain to compare both of them.And it is likely that customers already have their loyalties and would tend to choose Costco, the store they are used to instead of Wal-Mart, the one that they are still unfamiliar with. Consequently, only when Wal-Mart supplies some exclusive businesses or comes out with other attractive strategies can it be competitive and able to compete with the wholesalers that are already in Taiwan now. In addition, because of the geographic reason in Taiwan, which is a comparably small island with crowded people, it seems that it is more suitable for small supermarkets to thrive here.For one thing, the cost of the estate here would be expensive since Wal-Mart is undoubtedly required to own a vast place for it to be built. Whatââ¬â¢s more, it is not that necessary for people in this crowded island to drive far away to buy groceries. Instead, they can simply walk to the supermarket around the street corner near their homes. For example, popular retailers, especially PXmart, claims to provide the cheapest price to their customers and that by the VIP system, customers can become VIPs for free and sav e every dollars in each of their purchase.Sometimes the prices are even lower than the ones in wholesale shops such as Costco. Moreover, they open like almost anytime and anywhere. That is to say, people in Taiwan do not actually have that much demand on the existence of such a large market place like Wal-Mart. Currently, Wal-Mart finally converts its concentration to the expansion of the relatively potential market in China. In sum, in my point of view, even though Wal-Mart owns a complete and beneficial supply chain system that operate well in the U. S. nd many part of the world, it is not an a-hundred-percent promise to guarantee that it will work no matter when and where. The conditions in the market, the consumption habits of customers, and the competitors of yours are significant considerations as well. In other words, it is always essential for businesses to evaluate the market circumstances before they invest their money in a new place. (WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price teaser trailer on YouTube: http://www. youtube. com/watch? feature=player_embedded&v=hiSmlmXp-aU)
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Rationale for the Biblical Worldview Essay Essay
Every person has a worldview whether he realizes it or not. What is a worldview? James W. Sire defines a worldview as: [A] commitment, a fundamental orientation of the heart, that can be expressed as a story or in a set of presuppositions (assumptions which may be true, partially true or entirely false) that we hold (consciously or subconsciously, consistently or inconsistently) about the basic constitution of reality, and that provides the foundation on which we live and move and have our being. Stated more succinctly, ââ¬Å"â⬠¦[A] worldview is simply the total set of beliefs that a person has about the biggest questions in life.â⬠F. Leroy Forlines describes such questions as the ââ¬Å"inescapable questions of life.â⬠Lifeââ¬â¢s inescapable questions include the following: ââ¬Å"Is there a God? If so, what is He like? How can I know Him? Who am I? Where am I? How can I tell right from wrong? Is there life after death? What should I and what can I do about guilt? How can I deal with my inner pain?â⬠Lifeââ¬â¢s biggest, inescapable questions relate to whether there is a God, human origins, identity, purpose, and the hereafter, just to mention a few. Satisfying answers to the ââ¬Å"inescapable questions of lifeâ⬠are provided by the Holy Scriptures. The Holy Scriptures, consisting of the Old and New Testaments, form the starting point and foundation for the biblical worldview. More specifically related to our purposes, the apostle Paul reflects several components of the biblical worldview in his letter to the Romans. The apostle Paul authored Romans toward the end of his third missionary journey, about 57 A.D. He addressed this letter specifically to the Christians in Rome. At the time the church in Rome consisted of Jewish and Gentile believers, with Gentile Christians in the majority. Paul wrote to the Christians in Rome in order to address specific concerns and challenges they were facing. While Romans was an occasional letter (not a systematicà theology), Paul presents the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a very systematic fashion. The Gospel is actually the overarching theme of Romans as Paul spells this out in his programmatic statement in 1:16ââ¬â17. As the systematic presentation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Romans is foundational to the biblical/Christian worldview. Recognizing that Romans is not a systematic theology and does not contain all the essential truths that are relevant to a worldview per se, the apostle Paul articulates truths that are foundational to the biblical worldview. In Romans 1ââ¬â8, Paul addresses certain components of a worldview that relate to the natural world, human identity, human relationships, and culture. In a 750ââ¬â1000-word essay, describe what Romans 1ââ¬â8 teaches regarding (1)the natural world, (2)human identity,(3) human relationships, and (4) culture. Furthermore, (5)explain how this teaching of these topics affects your worldview. Make sure that you address each of these topics in your essay. â⬠¢As an essay, it must be written with excellent grammar, spelling, and style. â⬠¢Begin your essay with an interesting introduction that contains a precisely stated thesis. End your essay with a strong conclusion that summarizes your main points succinctly. Structure of assignment paragraphs: â⬠¢Introduction/Thesis (approximately 75 words) â⬠¢The Natural World (approximately 150ââ¬â200 words) â⬠¢Human Identity (approximately 150ââ¬â200 words) â⬠¢Human Relationships (approximately 150ââ¬â200 words) â⬠¢Culture (approximately 150ââ¬â200 words) â⬠¢Conclusion (approximately 75 words) â⬠¢Use each of the categories above as headers for each paragraph in your essay. â⬠¢The body of your essay must address the specified components of the assignment in excellent grammatical style. â⬠¢Your essay must be typed in a Microsoft Word document using Times New Roman, 12-point font. â⬠¢It must be single spaced, and must contain 750ââ¬â1000 words. â⬠¢All sources must be cited, and a bibliography must be included. â⬠¢Format your paper in a Microsoft Wordà document using current APA, MLA, or Turabian style (whichever corresponds to your degree program). Review the Biblical Worldview Essay Grading Rubric to see the specific grading criteria by which you will be evaluated before submitting your essay. â⬠¢Do not footnote Scripture references; cite them parenthetically within the essay body following the quotation or allusion to the biblical text. Submit this assignment using SafeAssign by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 7.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
How would you suggest this should be done Are any of these subsystems Assignment
How would you suggest this should be done Are any of these subsystems more or less important than any others - Assignment Example For example, it will be impossible to attain the mission of an organization without having a clear vision and/ or objective. Examples of subsystems within organizations include goals and values subsystem, human resources subsystems, information and intelligence subsystem, technical subsystem, managerial subsystem and structural subsystem. According to Baskerville and Spagnoletti (2013), the continual interaction between various subsystems creates a pattern that specify what the main system looks like and therefore, it is impossible to gauge the main organizational system by over passing a particular subsystem since the main system relies on interdependent sub-systems. Therefore, when trying to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of an organization it is a must for all the subsystems to be considered since an organizational is a functional unit that can only operate smoothly with the co-operation and co-ordination of various subsystems which are interdependent to each other. This is to mean that no sub-system is more or less important than the other since an organization cannot operate without a single subsystem missing and hence the evaluation should consider the strengths and weakness of each subsystem in the
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Choose an issue surrounding capital punishment (deterrence, innocence, Research Paper
Choose an issue surrounding capital punishment (deterrence, innocence, cost, racial bias, etc.) and use it to argue why or why n - Research Paper Example Many other states in America also released similar reports with respect to the expenses of capital punishment. Billions of Dollars are spent yearly for implementing capital punishment in America. Normal court procedures are impossible in the death penalty cases. The court needs to double confirm that the criminal is eligible for death penalty because of the value associated with human life. ââ¬Å"The essence of American criminal justice system is that ââ¬Å"partisan advocacy of both sides on a case will promote the ultimate objective that the guilty be convicted and the innocent go freeâ⬠(Ferdic et al, p.37). So, before implementing death penalty, the criminal went through for a series of expensive trial procedures including state and federal supreme courts. The criminal can question the punishment several times in different courts before the final judgment of the Supreme Court. All these court procedures are highly expensive because of the various expensive services (Smart a dvocates, Forensic experts, Investigating officers, witnesses, etc) needed for it.
Monday, August 26, 2019
A)Show that, compared to perfect competition, monopolies reduce output Essay
A)Show that, compared to perfect competition, monopolies reduce output and increase price. Does this mean that monopolies are always against the public interest - Essay Example It looks for a price on the market demand curve that will maximize its profits- both in the short run and the long run. Unlike the perfect competition, the monopolists marginal revenue from each unit is not constant (Samuelson, 2010). The table below shows that the demand increases as the price decreases-the basic downward sloping demand curve. However, the marginal revenue decreases as each unit of output is increased. Therefore, the monopolist raises the price and restricts output to maximize its returns (Samuelson, 2010). Similarly, the monopolist will produce the number of units when its marginal cost is equal to the marginal revenue. This signifies that the there will be always be more demand than there will be supply to maximize the profits. (Samuelson, 2010) Monopolies act against the public interest at large because they are productively inefficient, cause a welfare loss and earn exorbitant profits. Similarly, they control the price as well as the output to a certain extent; thereby injuring the public at large. However, there are arguments that monopolies help achieve economies of scale and help reduce per unit cost and maintain a high level of innovation to keep the demand curve stable. (Snook, 2013) Snook, A. Is the Existence of Monopoly Against the Public Interest. Retrieved from on March 24,
Lack of jobs for college graduates Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Lack of jobs for college graduates - Essay Example Consequently, this has affected a large number of young college graduates. Moreover, this acts as a way of making many graduates loose hope. Most of these graduates work hard in their school lives and use more amount of resources in order to get a good college education and respectable jobs. However, after graduation the reality strikes that only a few jobs exist for the large number of graduates entering the job market. Various graduates who majors in areas of studies also face these challenges. The finance major students have faced an example of such challenge. The state is expected to last for a time due to the current nature of United States economy. Analysis of the unemployment rate in United States helps in highlighting challenges faced by college graduates such as Joblessness, getting low income, failure to repay loans. The poor economic nature that is taking place in the country is making college graduates lack jobs. The poor economy started in December 2007 (Shierholz, Sabadish and Finio, 1). The government response to the poor state of the economy has been weak and slow. Consequently, the jobs become fewer for those getting out of college. For example, there lack over 8 million jobs and the unemployment rate has risen to a high of 7 percent as compared to the previous years (Shierholz et al. 1). In fact, the unemployment rate has risen to a rate that was not even experienced in The Great Depression. The weak labor force continues to affect young workers especially those graduating from college. ââ¬Å"The March unemployment rate of workers under age 25 was twice as compared to the national averageâ⬠(Shierholz et al. 1). However, there has been a rise in the number of available jobs, but the availability is yet to satisfy many graduates. As a result, the ability to get jobs for young high s chool and college graduates remain
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Personality disorder and depression Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Personality disorder and depression - Essay Example Abnormal psychologists and psychopathologists incorporate and believe the fact that these abnormal behaviors can be brought about by several factors, which can function individually or correlate with each other: heredity, physique, cognitive abilities and socialization. For a more systematic and fact-based study on abnormal behavior, there are several theories which abnormal psychologists conform to in explaining the occurrence of such behaviors. Some theories flourished from well-renowned psychologists of all time while some aroused from years of study and observation. These theories, often referred to as perspectives, help in attempting to explain the causal factors of these abnormal behaviors. Furthermore, these theories not only help in identifying and explaining why such disorders happen but also assist in determining the method and treatment which should be done upon the patient. There are primarily five perspectives related to abnormal behavior but there are several sources which sites in more theories- all of which will be explained individually in the course of this research paper. PSYCHODYNAMIC THEORY. ... The unconscious is the prime mover of the psychodynamic theory which contends that these disorders ascend from the unresolved conflicts inside a person's mind. Because of these inconsistencies, anxiety occurs within a person, which in turn leads to unconscious conflicts. In this certain perspective, the treatment method focuses on identifying that certain conflict inside a person's mind through counseling or therapy sessions. After it has been identified, the next focus would be on solving that certain conflict which entails pretty much effort from both the counselor and the client. BEHAVIORAL THEORY. In behavioral theory, the behaviorism school of thought in psychology is taken into consideration. Abnormal psychologists who embrace the behavioral perspective stand by the idea that psychological disorders and abnormal behaviors arise from wrong conditioning earlier in the foundation age of an individual. The person suffering from abnormal behaviors is believed to have learned the same abnormal behavior during his childhood or in cases when that certain behavior has been falsely introduced to his mind. Aside from faulty conditioning, futile learning and comprehension may also be considered on the part of the person suffering. The course of treatment as to this theory is through redesigning the abnormal behavior of a person. He or she can recover from these disordered behaviors through counseling and learning procedures which could help him or her eliminate those unwanted behaviors and learn new and more appropriate actions in exchange. One example of therapy would be what we usually call the behavior therapy which is done by non-reinforcing negative behavior
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Development of new products and services in hotels Essay
Development of new products and services in hotels - Essay Example Techniques of research are often based on epistemologies, which differ considerably across disciplines; there are numerous forms of research (Assante, Mulaj, & Steed, 2011; Bansal, & Corley, 2012). A methodology generally involves a framework upon which the search for solutions to a problem is based (Bansal, & Corley, 2012). Methodologies encompass specific components like the stages of research, operations, techniques, and the tools used (Hassanien, & Eid, 2006). A methodology includes several approaches, with each being implemented in different aspects as the project rolls out (Bourgeault, 2012). The research is often divided into two categories: quantitative research and qualitative research (Mason, Augustyn, & Seakhoa-King, 2010). The following sections of the paper examine the research methodologies used by Hassanien and Eid (2006); and Hossain, Kumar and Kumar (2010) to investigate the significance new product development in hospitality industries found in the West and North Af rica. II. Overview of the Chosen research articles (a) Article # 1 Hassanien and Eid (2006) examined the outcomes of studies and empirical research related with the involvement of key stakeholders and skills of hotelsââ¬â¢ staff in ensuring that new product development (NPD) processes are successful during implementation. The research offers a deeper exploration of the creative behaviours and operations that can yield positive outcomes when introducing new services within a modern hotel facility in the northern African region. The outcomes of the research are of immense benefit to not only the key stakeholders in the Egyptââ¬â¢s hospitality industry, but enables scholars who are specialized in the hospitality management as well. The researchers arrived at the results by undertaking a survey targeted at marketing executives in various categories of the local hotels (Hassanien, & Eid, 2006). The outcomes reflected significant variations between the hotels depending on their capa cities and size. More specifically, the researchers established that 5-star hotel facilities show a better understanding and implementation of NPD than the smaller facilities in the 4-star or 3-star categories. The latter two categories of hotels have shown a lower predilection to incorporate NPD processes into their corporate culture, especially in marketing campaigns. And by touching on the benefits and pitfalls that hotel management teams are likely to experience, the researchers are spot-on regarding the right implementation process of NPDs in the various categories of hotels. (b) Article # 2 The research by Hossain, Kumar and Kumar (2010) explore the impact of new service developments (NSD) practices in hotels. The authors provide an assessment of the prevailing NSD models by carrying out researches that can be used as pointers to the innovativeness of hotel facilities in two key Western hospitality industries; the United States and Canada. The researchers identified innovative services, and evaluated them with keen eyes in order to evaluate their effectiveness. The research findings revealed stark variations in the various innovation
Friday, August 23, 2019
Summary of council meeting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Summary of council meeting - Essay Example One of the meeting Agendas included planning for seven-year capital improvement program. The plan was to be implemented starting from the year 2014 to 2021. During the discussion of this Agenda, it was recommended that the Planning commission find out about the conformity of the adopted plan of the fiscal years in the seven-year duration. The findings were to be approved by City council. The second agenda was the public hearing. During the hearing, the approval of the Zoning Code Amendment 2014-10 was discussed. The recommended action during the discussion of this agenda was that the City Council should approve the amendment which consisted of a review of the Cityââ¬â¢s development plan. The Meeting was concluded with comments from the planning commission. He said that any formal action taken on a requested issue would be discussed in the next meeting. In my opinion, the meeting was very organized. During the meeting, people behaved in respectful ways. For instance, the audience did not boo or shout at each other when they disagreed. If they disagreed they were given a chance to ask questions since the audience were encouraged to express their opinions
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Bargaining Essay Example for Free
Bargaining Essay It is often difficult to differentiate whether a particular subject is permissive, illegal or mandatory bargaining subject. The reason as to why this problem emanates is that the bargaining subjects in most cases collide with the rights of the management which often belong to the public employer as a matter of public policy or state law (Geel Imber, 2004). In another observation, it can be seen that the managerial rights and the bargaining rights are inextricably associated. There have been ways of defining different ways of collective bargaining in order to determine whether it is lawful to negotiate the inclusion of the subjects into the agreements of collective bargaining and whether it is lawful to lockout or strike to force proposal acceptance. These classifications of the bargaining subjects include mandatory, illegal and permissive subjects of bargaining. Mandatory bargaining subjects consist of any topic that is directly related to the hours, wages and other employment terms and conditions of the bargaining members (Riccucci, 2007). Some of the topics essential for the determination of employee working conditions and wage levels are also part of the mandatory bargaining subjects (Riccucci, 2007). Examples of negotiated mandatory subjects of bargaining include wage negotiatins such as shift differentials, incentives pay plans, commissions, paid holidays, overtime premiums, stock purchase plans and profit sharing. Work rules, grievances and disciplinary procedures, fringe benefits and work schedules are also negotiated mandatory subjects of bargaining (Riccucci, 2007). In mandatory subjects of bargaining, the two parties have to propose the same subject and it may be lawful to insist to a level of impasse that the mandatory subject of bargaining be part of the contract. It is also lawful to lockout or strike to obtain a mandatory bargaining subject. Illegal subjects of bargaining violate the specific Taft-Hartley provisions or other federal or state provisions (Riccucci, 2007). Illegal bargaining subjects include the hot cargo clauses which violate some sections of the US Constitution, the clauses that illegally discriminate on the basis of sex, race or some other unenviable classifications, the improper union shops or closed shops and the agreements conditioning full union membership representation (Geel, Imber, 2004). It is illegal to negotiate an illegal bargaining subjects and the consequent insisting on illegal subject negotiations. It is also considered illegal to have a lockout or strike to obtain illegal bargaining subject. The last type of collective bargaining subjects is the permissive subjects of bargaining where the subjects are neither illegal nor mandatory (Riccucci, 2007). Although there is a long list of possible subjects of bargaining under permissive category, there are a number of different categories that are commonly proposed or negotiated as permissive subjects. It happens that some bargaining subjects are grouped in the category of permissive since the represent negotiating efforts on behalf of the people not part of the unit of bargaining (Geel, Imber, 2004). Permissive bargaining subjects include pension benefits for individuals who have retired, bargaining unit expansion and the drug testing prior to employment. The classification of a subject as permissive subject means that either party may propose over permissive bargaining subject or in case any of the parties choose to have negotiations, any of the agreement that is reached is always enforceable (Geel, Imber, 2004). In general, collective bargaining subjects are important processes which start from a mere beginning when workers of any organization raise a majority vote in order to be represented (Riccucci, 2007). Although collective bargaining is important in answering the grievances of workers, some of the bargaining subjects are unlawful. Workers should therefore adhere to the classification of bargaining subject which respects the rule of law.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Context and History of Conflict Paper Essay Example for Free
Context and History of Conflict Paper Essay This essay will discuss the issues between two people, Robert and Denise Patton, along with how these issues affect their two children. To enable an understanding of the problem a summary of the nature and history of the conflict has been given. In addition, a look at the interaction of interests, goals, and the power of each party allows an understanding of each personââ¬â¢s position and role in the conflict as well as personal attempts at resolution of the problem. In working to resolve this conflict there will be strategies discussed which, if Robert and Denise are willing to apply, could help them resolve the conflicts that they are facing in their marriage. Summary of the Nature and History of the Conflict The Patton Family case study has different types of conflict inside it. The summary of the conflict starting with the family dynamic gives a look of what is happening with the family from an outsider looking inward. To an outsider the family is in shambles; they fight regularly, and it seems that the parents have concern about one child only. In the beginning, the parents were happy; they both were on a path that looked successful. They both were in college and had great jobs after college. Once they started a family things changed for the couple. The mother wanted to be a part of the childrenââ¬â¢s lives more, so she quit her job and found another that worked with her schedule. The parents fought frequently about the youngest child and how to parent him. Since the parents were not getting along for a while the husband finally had enough. He decided to leave the house and tell his wife he wants a divorce. The husband and wife blame each other for the failed marriage, and the youngest child blames himself for his fatherââ¬â¢s leaving. ââ¬Å"Without an apology or other form of resolution, the trust on both sides is compromised, and may not know what to expect from this person in the futureâ⬠(Scott, 2011 p. 2). When the father left he never sat down with his children or wife to explain why it had come to this. The father finally had enough with his wife, but he did not explain his reasoning. Context of Conflict The context of the conflict is that two parents have separated after a long marriage resulting from arising conflicts in the marriage. The couple has two children; one who is almost an adult, and the other is a young child who seems to have trouble with his energy at home and at school. The conflict started to occur more frequently and more harshly as their second child started having problems in school. One parent, the mother, believes that there is something wrong with him and that he requires special attention with him all the time. A child with these kinds of behaviors would become costly and would require significant attention. The other parent believes that his son is just spoiled and requires normal attention and discipline. He further believes that these luxuries have left his son vulnerable with a lack of awareness for his surroundings. Whether or not the parents are splitting, they were a team trying to provide for their two children. ââ¬Å"When managing conflicts, collectivist cultures place more emphasis on the avoidance and accommodation of conflicts because collectivists value harmony, security, and conformityâ⬠(Hong, 2008). Interactions of Interests, Goals, and Power The interests, goals, and power of both parents are that they cannot stand each other and need space in to function. One believes that he does not receive enough attention from his family and wife, and that they show no gratitude for his hard work. He has been working for many years and has primarily been the sole wage-earner in the family. The wife feels that her family does not appreciate her. She feels that she has lost her active role in the environment of her oldest child and husband. Her focus has been her young son who has been having these troubles at school and home. This amount of pressure has shut her out of everyoneââ¬â¢s world except her son, who does not know what is going between the two split parents. According to the text the ââ¬Å"conflict above may be substituting for intimacy and connection, or it may serve as a launching pad for problem solvingâ⬠(Hocker Wilmot, 2011). Attempts Made at Conflict Resolution There are competing family goals regarding Arnie (Wilmot Hocker, 2011). Robert believes lack of discipline is the cause and wants Arnie to be held accountable whereas Denise believes there is a neurological basis and believes Arnie should be tested and treated according to his perceived needs. Though both parents have expressed ideas for dealing with the problem they have not agreed on a method, nor given significant consideration to the otherââ¬â¢s opinion in this matter. The conflict has evolved and in the process a couple of resolution tactics have been used. Early in the conflict, aggression and competition were used, with each attempting to use power of position as a tool to win the battle. Rob made the money and determined it would not be used for mental health treatment; Denise was primary care-giver and as such was responsible for seeing that Arnieââ¬â¢s needs were met. Screaming matches to coerce the other into submission failed and eventually gave way to avoidance (Wilmot Hocker, 2011). Withdrawal from the conflict equated to withdrawal from the relationship as the couple slept apart and ceased communication (Wilmot Hocker, 2011). The interactions that did take place were interpreted based upon past events, setting the paradigm for what each could expect from the other, likely feeding into rather than helping to resolve the conflict (Coltri, 2010). Robertââ¬â¢s final act of avoidance was for self-protection; he moved out to protect himself from further emotional harm (Wilmot Hocker, 2011). Personal Initial Reactions or Strategies for Resolving this Conflict Personal Initial Reaction The initial reaction to the conflict between Robert and Denise is that they should agree to mediation as a mean of solving their disagreement. Denise relies on Robert for complete financial support for their family. The problem here is Denise does not want to work because of their sonââ¬â¢s neurological condition. Robert believes differently about Denise not wanting to work and feels that Denise is using Arnieââ¬â¢s condition as an excuse. Robert and Denise seek legal consultation, after Robert leaves the home. Strategy for Resolving this Conflict Legal consultation has it advantage but mediation would be better in this situation. Most lawyers discuss with clients if they should choose mediation based on their situations. Mediation would give the couple the opportunity to explain their side of the situation in privacy. Attorneys are contacted for legal advice but mediation is for solving issues and helping the couple to make the right decision. An attorney represents only the client who has retained his or her service and not for solving the problems. A mediator has a neutral part and only help in resolving the issues. Mediation taken place in courts is not private and the judge makes decision on the case. In the case of Robert and Denise, mediation would allow them to decide the outcome. The best thing for Robert and Denise is to have a mediator presence to help settle property, child support, and custody issues. According to Divorceinfo (2013) ââ¬Å"The mediator remains neutral between the husband and the wife. That means the mediator cant give advice to either party, and also cant act as a lawyer for either party.â⬠Conclusion Robert and Denise Patton seek legal consultation as a mean of finding ways of settling their conflicts. Legal consultation provides the couple with advice on the best avenue to take in solving their problems. Once the two meet with their lawyer, the couple is told if they should have a mediator there with his or her lawyer. Mediators do not represent either of the couple, only the individualsââ¬â¢ lawyers do.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Integrity Ethics And Core Values Commerce Essay
Integrity Ethics And Core Values Commerce Essay Company Secretaries represents the interests of all stakeholders of the company. It is the company secretary who leads the company. Todays business environment is a combination of legal practices, ethics and integrity and best management practices. Company secretaries coordinates the management functions and company policies, keeps an eye on ethics and mutual trust, helps in strategic decisions and aligning the company towards excellence. Integrity, ethics and core values are the most important elements of a business. Every business should have integrity, ethics and core values. Todays business environment includes many frauds and unfair trade practices. This is often happens due to the lack of integrity, ethics and core values. In this article the need for integrity ethics and core values are critically analysed and a brief study has been made. Integrityà is a concept ofà consistencyà of actions, values, methods, measures, principles, expectations, and outcomes. In ethics, integrity is regarded as theà honestyà andà truthfulnessà orà accuracyà of ones actions. Integrity can be regarded as the opposite of hypocrisy,à in that it regards internal consistency as a virtue, and suggests that parties holding apparently conflicting values should account for the discrepancy or alter their beliefs. Integrity means adherenceà toà moralà andà ethicalà principles;à soundnessà of moralà character;à honesty. Integrity as a physical description means unimpaired and complete. Integrity in a person implies honesty, fairness, ethics, and moral character. Integrity refers to wholeness as a human being. It means that you have developed into a person whose thoughts, words, and actions are congruent, and therefore do not conflict with each other. In the exercise of your free will, your decisions reveal any de gree of disorder in your soul. To the extent that you have brought every aspect of yourself into harmony, you can be trusted to live according to your convictions. Although some contend that these convictions are completely individual and can vary widely from person to person, this would mean that even selfish or cowardly people could be said to have integrity.à Like persons companies also have integrity. Business is much related to integrity. In business integrity should be maintained. The business should be simple, moral and accountable. It should protect the interest of all stake holders. Ethics is the science of morality or the systematic study of moral rules and principles. The term morality refers to rules which prescribe the way people ought to behave and principles which reflect what is ultimately good or desirable for human beings. Ethics in business is the one that can regulate the people who are working together. This is also what determined the morale in the business or the company so that when ethical issues arise, the business will not be in chaos. This is something that will control the overall attitude of the business. It applies to all aspects of business conduct and is relevant to the conduct of individuals and entire organizations. Business ethics is a form of the art of applied ethics that examines ethical rules and principles within a commercial context, the various moral or ethical problems that can arise in a business setting and any special duties or obligations that apply to persons who are engaged in commerce. Business ethics can be both a norma tive and a descriptive discipline. As a corporate practice and a career specialisation, the field is primarily normative. In academia descriptive approaches are also taken. The range and quantity of business ethical issues reflects the degree to which business is perceived to be at odds with non-economic social values. Historically, interest in business ethics accelerated dramatically during the 1980s and 1990s, both within major corporations and within academia. For example, today most major corporate websites lay emphasis on commitment to promoting non-economic social values under a variety of headings. In some cases, corporations have redefined their core values in the light of business ethical considerations. Following ethics is the best way of doing business and serving society. Every business should have ethics. Its an important value of every business. A business should protect the interest of all its stakeholders. A business uses the resources of society. So it must have a responsibility towards the society. The importance of ethics in business can be understood by the fact that ethical businesses tend to make much more profits than the others. An organization, which is well-known for its ethical practices, creates a goodwill for itself in the market.à In simple terms, core values are set conceptions that you decide to follow in your life or in a business. They give an understanding to other entities around you about your way of thinking and living. Core values can be used in our daily lives, for living a clean and transparent life and coordinating with other people. Nowadays, core values are the most crucial aspects of any successful business, as they contribute a lot in the growth of a company. Core values are the very significant components of the identity of any business. They are specialized standards set by a company regarding the method of its functioning, decision making, problem solving, and customer service. The main aim of any company is to attract profit, which can easily be done if clients and customers are impressed by the satisfaction provided to them from the services. And for letting the clients know about the quality of the business, core values of a company essentially have to be set.à There are many advantages that core values bring. The primary benefit of core values is that they let clients and potential consumers know what the company is all about, and clarifies the identity of the company. Core values are points to be considered for maintaining proper corporate relations with the media, customers, public, and other business entities. Core values also aid companies in the decision-making processes. If a company has to take an important decision, it adheres to and considers its core values, after which it goes ahead with the appropriate decision. Core values play an important role in other entities about the goals and motives of the company. In business terms, core values are the rules, regulations, and guidelines that are to be considered for the smooth running of the business. A core value can be anything that the company is best in, such as commitment to providing maximum customer service and satisfaction.à Conclusion Todays business environment faces many problems such as exploitation of resources, fraud, unfair trade practices etc. The basic reasons behind these problems are lack of integrity, ethics and core values. Ethics, integrity and core values helps to protect the interest of all stake holders, increase the goodwill of the company, earn more profit and minimize the regulations. So ethics, integrity and core values are essential for the survival of a company. So every organisation should have these qualities. This will bring many advantages to the organisations and will help to increase the trust of society and government in the company.
Hybrid Cars :: Gasoline Electric Hybrid Automobiles
Hybrid cars: Abstract: A hybrid car, also known as an HEV or hybrid electric vehicle, is an automobile that is powered by two sources; an internal combustion engine, and an electric motor. HEVââ¬â¢s need plugs, as they are amply charged by the movement of the wheels and storing the kinetic energy that is generated through a process called regenerative braking. Cars have been accepted as a solution to the current pollution problems that we face, as they offer lower emissions than gasoline automobiles. Some hybrid cars produces around 90% less pollutants than regular cars. With cars with this system, a hybrid car can cross longer distances than normal ones with less use of gasoline. They can get up to 55-60 mpg in city driving, while a typical SUV might travel just 15-20 mpg. Also there are 2 types of cars: the first type is the series, and the second type is called the parallels Hybrid electric vehicle A hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) is a vehicle which combines a conventional propulsion system with an on-board rechargeable energy storage system (RESS) to achieve better fuel economy than a conventional vehicle without being hampered by range from a charging unit like a battery electric vehicle (BEV), which uses batteries charged by an external source.)The different propulsion power systems may have common subsystems or components. Regular HEVs most commonly use an internal combustion engine (ICE) in tandem with electric motors to power their propulsion system. Modern mass-produced HEVs prolong the charge on their batteries by capturing kinetic energy via regenerative braking, and some HEVs can use the combustion engine to generate electricity by spinning an electrical generator to either recharge the battery or directly feed power to an electric motor that drives the vehicle. Many HEVs reduce idle emissions by shutting down the ICE at idle and restarting it when needed. An HEV's engine is smaller and may be run at various speeds, providing more efficiency. HEVs became widely available to the public in the late 1990s. HEVs are viewed by some automakers as a core segment of the future automotive market. Technology The varieties of hybrid electric designs can be differentiated by the structure of the hybrid vehicle drivetrain, the fuel type, and the mode of operation. In 2007, several automobile manufacturers announced that future vehicles will use aspects of hybrid electric technology to reduce fuel consumption without the use of the hybrid drivetrain. Regenerative braking can be used to recapture energy and stored to power electrical accessories, such as air conditioning.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Janet and Edies life Essay -- Character Analysis, Edie, Mrs. Peebles
In both short stories, ââ¬Å"How I Met My Husbandâ⬠in Something Iââ¬â¢ve Been Meaning to Tell Youand ââ¬Å"The Moons of Jupiterâ⬠in My Best Stories, Munro uses the first person narrator to tell the story. As well as each story has a way of showing a relationship between their families and their distant, especially their relationship with men which lead to surprising and unexpected events.The story of ââ¬Å"How I met my Husbandâ⬠is about a woman, Edie, tells her story and life from a 15 years young girl perspective and tells how she meets withher husband. Although in ââ¬Å"The moons of Jupiterâ⬠is narrated by Janet, a woman who tells her story about her family and how her father has been hospitalized and faces the possibility of dying during heart surgery, she also tells how her relationship with her father and daughters is distant. This essay will analyze the first person narratorââ¬â¢s life and relationship with their families and shows the distant between the characters. In both Munroââ¬â¢s stories, the main characters tell their past and how they lived. The short story of ââ¬Å"How I Met My Husbandâ⬠is told from the first-person point of view, the story layers the voice of the fifteen-year-old Edie. The story is told as a memory when Edie is old and a married woman. Edie tells her past life which she spent in the country, she is a hired girl for Peebles family that lives in the country, and this was her first job. She always compares country and cityââ¬â¢s life, and how she lived. She compares the values of the country and city and how that is different from each other: Dessert was never to write home about, at their place. A dish or Jello or sliced bananas or fruit out of a tin. ââ¬Å"Have a house without pie, be ashamed until you die,â⬠my mother used to say, but M... ...on of her father. Theirs was not a warm relationship; both as a child and as an adult she felt either blamed or disapproved of by her father. Ironically, as a parent now herself, she has daughters who are emotionally distant and remind her of herself at their ages. There are tensions with Judith, and Nichola does not visit or even call during the time her mother is in Toronto. To conclude, both Munroââ¬â¢s stories have similarities and differenced between the main characters, Edie and Janet, in their relationships with others and their past life. From Munroââ¬â¢s stories we can see how the aspects of distant and relationship can occur in more than one family but in different ways. So the similarity of the both stories is that both characters, Edie and Janet tell the story by comparing their past and present life. And show the weak relationship between their families.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Revolutionized Relationship Essay -- Canadian History
One of the major problems associated with a bilingual country, inevitably, is national unity. In Canada, national unity usually refers to the relations between both the French and English Canadians. English-French relations have always been unstable, ever since the English conquest on the French in the late 1800s. In the twentieth century, this link was further depreciated primarily because of conscriptions during the First and Second World War along with the Quiet Revolution and the October Crisis. Conscription during the First and Second World War was one of the initial major causes that began the deterioration of French-English relations largely because the French had no desire to go to war. The Quiet Revolution was an effort to redefine the role of the francophone civilization inside Canada, which was an attempt at strengthening the French-English relationship. Lastly, the October Crisis, which was a sequence of events that were set off by two kidnapping of government official s by members of the FLQ, Front de liberation du Quebec, caused an uprising between French and English Canadians. Theses moments in history greatly affected the French-English Relation greatly. During the twentieth century, the main reasons for the changes of French-English relationships are conscription during the World Wars, the Quiet Revolution and the October Crisis. When World War One was declared, the French immediately made it clear that they had no interest in fighting in the war, especially alongside the English Canadians. Conscription during the war one of the leading causes that worsened, the already weak English-French relations. Because Canada was part of the British Empire, they were involuntarily forced to partake in the war with the... ... with Quebec and bake until separated. The Martlet. Date of publication May 9, 2012. http://www.mar French English Relations. Dufferin-Peel Catholic School Board. DE4023D0B133/38622/FrenchEnglishRelations1950PresentNotes.pdf. French-English Relations. Prairie Land Regional Divisions. Last modified March 2006. 13/fr.eng.relations.htm. M. D. Behiels, Francophone-Anglophone Relations. The Canadian Encyclopedia. Last modified 2012. francophoneanglophone-relations. Robert Bothwell. The October Crisis. The Canadian Encyclopedia. Date of publication November 15, 2010. october-crisis/.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Rising Immigration Rate of Canada
Immigrants make up a considerable proportion of the Canadian population. At the time of the 1991 Census, there were 4. 3 million immigrants living in Canada, which is 16% of the total Canadian population. (See Graph 1, Immigrants as a Percentage of Canada's Population, 1901-1996) Over the past decades the level of immigration in Canada has increased from an average of 137 000 immigrants arriving in Canada in the 1960s to an average of about 200 000 in 1998. See Table1, Annual Immigration Plan 1998) The largest share of immigrants admitted into Canada are in the economic class, in 1994, close to half of the new immigrants coming to Canada were economic class immigrants. Immigration is needed to maintain the Canadian population; ââ¬Å"Canada will be an aging society with such a low birth rate that it will soon be unable to sustain its population without sustained immigration. â⬠Immigrants are a source of labour to the Canadian economy; immigrants are as likely as people born in Canada to be employed, and many are skilled workers that the Canadian economy is in need of. Business class, investor and entrepreneur immigrant help to provide job opportunities in the economy, and also generate more economic activities and income for the Canadian economy. ââ¬Å"Analysis of data from the household/family file of the 1981 Canadian Census of Population reveals that, regardless of origin, immigrants benefit the Canadian-born population through the public treasury. â⬠Immigrants are an aid to the Canadian economy as a result of its ability to sustain the aging population, to provide labour, and job opportunities. Firstly, Canada, like other rich countries of the world, will become an aging society with such a low birth rate; Canada will soon be unable to maintain its population without taking in immigrants. The low birth rate will soon lead to a shortage of future workers for the labour force. As we enter into the twenty-first century, there will be more older people requiring pensions, and in need of extra health care, but there will not be enough young workers entering the job market to support these needs. The fertility rate in Canada is roughly 1. 66, which is below the replacement rate of 2. and less than half the fertility rate of 3. 63 during the baby boom. Despite the number of children is currently growing because the large number of baby boomers are having children, ââ¬Å"this so-called echo effect will have run its course by the early part of the next century so that, in the absence of much higher immigration, Canada's population will begin to decline. â⬠According to Statistics Canada, the Canadian population will stabilize at 31 million in 2026 if the fertility rate of 1. 66 is maintained and 140 000 immigrants are accepted per year, and it will then begin to decline. If the rate of immigration is raised to 200 000 per year, the population will stabilize in 2035, at 34 million, before it begins to decline. The immigrant population is older, on average, than the Canadian-born population because immigrants tend to arrive in their prime working years. Also, it must be noted that children born to immigrants are included in the Canadian-born population rather than the immigrant population. Secondly, of all immigrants accepted into Canada, close to 50% are in the economic class consisting of business immigrants and skilled workers. See Table 2, Immigration Levels, 1998 Canada, Quebec* and Other Provinces) Most immigrants tend to arrive in their prime working years. Immigrants living in Canada are more likely than people born in Canada to have a university degree, in 1991, 14% of immigrants aged 15 and over had a university degree, while only 11% of people born in Canada had a university degree. Immigrants with post-secondary qualifications are more likely than those born in Canada with post-secondary qualifications to be graduates of professional programs in engineering, mathematics, and applied science. See Graph 2, Economic Category Persons Admitted, 1994-1996) For example, in 1991, 17% of immigrant men were graduates of these programs, where there were only 9% of Canadian-born men were graduates of these programs. Immigrants are also more likely than people born in Canada to have full-time, full-year jobs. In 1991, 63% of employed immigrant men and 50% of employed immigrant women worked at full-time, full-year jobs, compared to 59% of Canadian-born men, and 45% of Canadian-born women. According to Employment and Immigration Canada, in 1989-95 the fastest growing occupations include computer programmers and system analysts, data processing equipment operators, and technical salespersons, as well as occupations in health care. But fact is that Canada does not have enough skilled workers to work in these fields, therefore Canada must import workers skilled in these fields, and immigration is the best way to import these workers. There is a higher percentage of immigrant men working in professional or management occupations then Canadian-born men. In 1991, 32% of immigrant men worked in these fields, while only 27% of Canadian-born men worked in these fields. (See Table 4, Comparison of Employment between Immigrant and Canadian-Born Workers) Canada, like other industrial countries will be facing a shortage in skilled workers; Canada will have to open its borders to increased immigration by foreign workers, especially workers with education and skills. ââ¬Å"In fact, industrial countries could find themselves competing for certain types of foreign workers. ââ¬Å"
Friday, August 16, 2019
Final Exam Review Notes Essay
1: Strategic Management: set of managerial decisions and actions that determines the long-run performance of a corporation. It includes environmental scanning (both external and internal), strategy formulation (strategic or long-range planning), strategy implementation and evaluation and control. Emphasize the monitoring and evaluating of external opportunities and threats in light of a corporations strengths and weaknesses. 2: 4 phases of strategic management: Phase 1- basic financial management- managers initiate serious planning when they are requested to propose the following years budget. Projects are proposed on the basis of very little analysis, with most information coming from within the firm. The sales force usually provides the small amount of environmental information. Phase 2: forecast- based planning- as annual budgets become less useful at stimulating long-term planning, managers attempt to propose five-year plans. At this point they consider projects that they may take more than one year. In addition to internal information managers gather any available environmental data- usually on an ad hoc basis and extrapolate current trends five years into the future. This phase is also time consuming, often involving a full month of managerial activity to make sure all the proposed budgets fit together. Phase 3: externally oriented planning- frustrated with highly political yet ineffectual five-year plans, top management takes contr9ol of the planning process by initiating strategic planning. The company seeks to increase its responsiveness to changing markets and competition by thinking strategically. Planning is taken out of the hands of lower-level managers and concentrated in a planning staff whose task is to develop strategic plans for the corporation. Phase 4: strategic management- realizing that even the best plans are worthless without input and commitment of lower-level managers, top management forms planning groups of managers and key employees at many levels, from various departments and work groups. They develop and integrate a series of strategic plans aimed at achieving the companyââ¬â¢s primary objectives. 3: 4 basic elements of strategic management- 1: environmental scanning: the monitoring, evaluating and disseminating of information from the external and internal environments to key people within the corporation. Its purpose is to identify strategic factors- those external and internal elements that will determine the future of the corporation. 2: strategy formulation- is the development of long-range plans for the effective management of th4e environment opportunities and threats in light of corporate strengths and weaknesses (SWOT). It includes defining the corporate mission, specifying achievable objectives, developing strategies and setting policy guidelines. 3: strategy implementation- is a process by which strategies and policies are put into action through the development of programs, budgets and procedures. This process might involve changes within the overall culture, structure and/or the entire organization. 4: evaluation and control- is a process in which corporate activities and performance results are monitored so that actual performance can be compared with desired performance managers at all levels use the resulting information to take corrective action and resolve problems. 4: Define strategy: a corporation forms a comprehensive master plan that states how the corporation will achieve its mission and objectives. 5: 5 forces that shape competitions as described by Porter- Threat of new entrants: industry typically bring to it new capacity a desire to gain market share, and substantial resources. Rivalry among existing firms ââ¬â corporations are mutually dependent. A competitive move by one firm can be expected to have a noticeable effect on on it competitors and thus may cause retaliation. Threat of substitution products or service- a product that appears to be different but can satisfy the same need as another product Bargaining power of buyers ââ¬â affect an industry through their ability to force down prices, bargain for higher quality or more services and play competitors against each other Bargaining power of suppliers- can affect an industry through their ability to raise prices or reduce the quality of purchased good and services. 6: competitive advantage- a firm uses it resources, capabilities and competencies to develop a competitive advantage 7: 3 directional strategies- Growth strategies- designed to achieve growth in sales, assets, profits ot some combination. Most widely pursued. Continuing growth means increasing sales and a chance to take advantage of the experience curve to reduce the per-unit cost of products sold, thereby increasing profits. Stability strategies- corporation may choose stability over growth by continuing its current activities without any significant change in direction Retrenchment strategies ââ¬â a company may pursue retrenchment strategies when it a weal competitive position in some or all its product lines resulting in poor performance- sales are down and profits are becoming losses. 8: 5 stages of international development: Stage 1: (domestic company) the primary domestic company exports some of its products through local dealers and distributors in the foreign countries. The impact on the organizationââ¬â¢s structure is minimal because an export department at corporate headquarters handles everything Stage 2: (domestic company with export division) success in stage 1 leads the company to establish itââ¬â¢s own sales company with offices in other countries to eliminate the middle man and to better control marketing. Because exports have now become more important the company establishes an export division to oversee foreign sales office. Stage 3-(Primarily domestic company with international division) success in earlier stages its own sales company to establish manufacturing facilities in addition to sales and service offices in key countries. The company now adds an international division with responsibilities for most of the business functions conducted in other countries Stage 4: (multinational corporation with multidomestic emphasis)- now a full-fledged MNC, the company increases its investment in other countries. The company establishes a local operating division or company in the host country such as Ford of Britain, to better serve the market. The product line is expanded and local manufacturing capacity is established. Managerial functions (product development, finance, marketing and so on) are organizes locally. Stage 5: (MNC with global emphasis) ââ¬â the most successful MNC move into a fifth stage in which they have worldwide human resources, R&D and financing strategies. Typically operating in a global industry, the MNC denationalizes its operations and plans product design, manufacturing and marketing around worldwide consideration.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Global Financial Corporation Essay
Global Financial Corporation (GF) a subsidiary of Global Equipment Company (GEC) is tasked with handling financing for those customers who wish to purchase GEC heavy equipment. Currently GF only processes 51% of the leases within the ââ¬Å"10 days or lessâ⬠time frame, with some loans taking up above 41 days. Ms. Rodriguez, the Vice President of GF has been directed to decrease loan processing time to 10 days or less with the current staff she has. The current structure of the analysis and evaluation stage does not maximize staff time effectively and as a consequence creates a bottleneck in the process. We recommend switching to a case manager structure. lLan applications can be processed and completed in approximately 3 days. This would allow for an increase in volume to 255 without adding staff (assuming 60% are remain new applications), which is a 16.9% increase, exceeding the 10% anticipated application increase. Background Global Financial Corporation (GF) a subsidiary of Global Equipment Company (GEC) is tasked with handling financing for those customers who wish to purchase GEC heavy equipment. Due to the expense of the equipment many customers chose to finance the purchase with a lease agreement. Currently these loans are processed at GF Bakersfield location, which employs 14 people. A competitor of GEC has promised processing of financing in ââ¬Å"10 days or lessâ⬠. Currently GF only processes 51% of the leases within the ââ¬Å"10 days or lessâ⬠time frame, with some loans taking up above 41 days. Ms. Rodriguez, the Vice President of GF has been directed to decrease loan processing time with the current staff she has. Problems The Bakersfield office is operating at only 86% of capacity utilizing 2990.5 hours of processing time (full capacity 3485 hours). In October they processed 218 applications, 89 were standards and 129 were News. The analysis by region shows that Region 1 is handling the most applications at 78 (52 new, highest number among the different regions), averaging 126.7 hours which, equates to 20.1 days. Region 2 is only handling a total of 66 applications (35 new) with an average processing time of 5.7 days, and Region 3 handling 74 applications (42 new), averaging 8.7 days. The Northeast office handles about 35% more applications with essentially the same staff. Only 51% of the applications are processed within the 10 day or less requirement. Analysis of the Current Processing Steps 1. Analysis and evaluation stage is a single channel, interest rate multi channel, loan terms single channel, and final issuing a multichannel. (Exhibit A)The current structure of the analysis and evaluation stage does not maximize staff time effectively and as a consequence creates a bottleneck in the process. With the single channel structure loan applications are unevenly distributed among teams and create higher idle time for teams with less volume of loan applications to process. Utilization among regions varies greatly between 73% ââ¬â 95%. The following observation of the current structure was achieved using the MMK model (See exhibit B): * Expected wait time in the system for an application in Region 1 is approximately 37 days, with actual processing time of 14.10 hours. This is where the bottleneck occurs as it takes the evaluation team over 16 days out of the 37 to perform the review of 78 applications. * Expected wait time in the system for an application in Region 2 is approximately 11 days, with an actual processing time of 13.40 hours. Of the three Regions, Region 2 processed the least applications of 66 during the quarter being reviewed. With a utilization rate of 73%, Region 2 experienced the most idle time in the evaluation process. * Expected wait time in the system for an application in Region 3 was approximately 15 days, with an actual processing time of 13.56 hours. With utilization rate of 84%, this Region has the ability to handle an increase in applications. * Each region utilized over ten days of average time in system and showed bottlenecks. 2.à Interest rate stage is a multi channel process and is working effectively. Applications are processed quickly and are usually turned over to the next step within 30 minutes. The utilization rate is consistent at 64%, which means that this staff member can continue to devote only half of his time to this task. 3.à Loan terms stage is a single channel and has similar issues as the analysis and evaluation department. It creates bottleneck and work is unevenly distributed. 4. Final issuing stage is an effective multichannel process with a consistently high utilization percentage. Each application takes less than 4 hours to process and utilizes time consistently at 93% of capacity. Alternatives Redistribute the staff to eliminate the bottlenecks in the process. Automate the input of information into a computer database at the sales level eliminating duplicate entry. * Generic queue would decrease processing time to 9 days. Evaluation will drastically reduce to 2 days of processing, increasing utilization and reducing idle time. Active time in the system will be reduced to 13.72 hours. Change all stages to a multiple, multiphase channel (Exhibit C &D). There would still bottleneck from the evaluation stage. * Case manager would increase active time of application to 18.5 hours; however, significantly reduce queuing time to approximately 3 days. This is assuming there are no teams during the evaluation stage and that the average time would double to 9.5 hours, which may not be the case. Change to multiple channel ââ¬â assignment ââ¬â multiphase. (Exhibit E &F) Eliminate bottleneck, service rate of 22.2 per FTE, per quarter. Recommendation We recommend switching to a case manager structure. This would mean that one person will be responsible for the completion of a loan application (Exhibit E). This will provide for most efficient way to minimize idle time and maximize utilization rate. Loan applications can be processed and completed in approximately 3 days. This would allow for an increase in volume to 255 without adding staff (assuming 60% are remain new applications), which is a 16.9% increase, exceeding the 10% anticipated application increase.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Cost of War on Terror for Pakistan Economy Essay
The conclusion was that the War not only caused serious damage to the economy, but also to the social fabrics of Pakistan. Obviously, continuity of War will continue to bleed the economy and society of Pakistan. At the start of the War, the cost of it to Pakistan was estimated at $ 2.669 billion in fiscal year 2001-02. This calculation was based on the assumptions that: (i) The War in Afghanistan that begun on October 7, 2001 will end swiftly by December 2001: (ii) normalcy will resume from January 2002; (iii) the Taliban government will be ousted and some low intensity fight will continue but life in Pakistan will remain normal; and (iv) the additional increase in freight cargo and war risk premium will be removed. The abovementioned assumptions were not materialized and instead the war on terror continued to gain momentum and became more precarious for the entire region in general and Pakistan in particular as it shifted to its settled areas to disrupt all kind of investment and economic activity. Pakistan became more insecure in its efforts to make the world a safer place to live. Pakistan continued to pay a heavy price in terms of both the economic and security terms. A large portion of its resources, both men and material are being consumed by this war for the last several years. The economy was subjected to enormous direct and indirect costs which continued to rise from $ 2.669 billion in 2001-02 to $ 13.6 billion by 2009-10, projected to rise to $ 17.8 billion in the current financial year (2010-11) and moving forward, the direct and indirect costs to the economy is most likely to rise further. The comparison of cost for 2001-02 and 2010-11 is given in Table-1 and the year-wise cost of war on terror is documented in Table-2: Pakistanââ¬â¢s economy is under pressure of the War on Terror intensifying for last four years in Afghanistan. Since 2006, the War has spread like a contagion into settled areas of Pakistan that has so far, cost the country more than 35,000 citizens, 3500 security personnel, destruction of infrastructure, internal migration of millions of people from parts of northwestern Pakistan, erosions of investment climate, nose diving of production and growing unemployment and above all brought economic activity to a virtual standstill in many part of the country. Pakistan had never witnessed such devastating social and economic upheaval in its industry, even after dismemberment of the country by direct war. After 9/11 Pakistan had to assume the role of a frontline state in the War against Terror. The onset of the War disrupted Pakistanââ¬â¢s normal trading activities, as the cost of trading increased substantially because of higher insurance cover. Consequently, economic growth slowed demands for imports reduced with consequential decline in tax collection and inflows of foreign investment were naturally adversely affected, accentuated by the travel bans issued by western governments to its entrepreneurs. While the economic situation was worsening, a new elected government took power in 2008 and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs constituted an inter-ministerial committee to assess the direct and indirect cost of the War on Terror on Pakistan. The Ministries of Finance, Interior, Commerce and some other relevant government departments plus the representatives of two provinces bordering turbulent Afghanistan participated in these deliberations. After few sessions and valuable inputs from all sides, the committee estimated the cost of War on Terror and its impact on Pakistanââ¬â¢s economy and society. The events that transpired after 9/11 in Afghanistan worsened the security environment in the country. As a result, the western countries including the United States continued to impose travel ban for their citizen (investor, importers etc.) to visit Pakistan. This has affected Pakistanââ¬â¢s exports, prevented the inflows of foreign investment, affected the pace of privatization program, slowed the overall economic activity, reduced import demand, reduced tax collection, expenditure over-run on additional security spending, domestic tourism industry suffered badly, hundreds; and thousands of jobs could have been created had economic activity not slowed as well as thousands of jobs were lost because of the destruction of domestic/foreign tourism industry; destruction of physical infrastructure (military and civil) massive surge in security related spending; migration of thousands of people from war affected areas and the associated rise in expenditure to support internally displac ed persons. Pakistanââ¬â¢s investment-to-GDP ratio has nosedived from 22.5 percent in 2006-07 to 13.4 percent in 2010-11 with serious consequences for job creating ability of the economy. Going forward, Pakistan needs enormous resources to enhance productive capacity of the economy. The security situation will be the key determinant of the future flow of the investment. Pakistan economy needs an early end to this war.
Competing in the global arina Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2
Competing in the global arina - Essay Example Vertical integration is brought about in any business by increasing or decreasing the control a firm has over its inputs and distribution of outputs and services. This would include both backward and forward integration. Backward integration is the control over inputs or supplies, whereas, forward integration is the firmââ¬â¢s control over its outputs or supplies. Full vertical integration occurs when a firm incorporates a value-chain of a supplier and/or that of a distribution channel into its own value chain.2 This could happen in two ways: when a firm expands its activities directly in other countries or through acquisition of existing companies in these countries. Horizontal integration involves expansion of the business at the same level of the value chain.This could be done through acquisitions or expansions into related or unrelated products, but at the same level of the value-chain. To launch a new product, ample research must have been carried out to determine the suitability of the product in the new market. If only there is a demand for a product, it should be launched in the new country/market. To launch a new product, the market/consumer population must be ready for its launch. The consumer should be aware of the benefits of the product and must be ready to experiment with the new product/service. To be able to successfully launch a new product in a foreign country, the company should have core competencies in manufacturing the product. A product will be accepted in a foreign market, if and only if it is better than the existing products available in that market/country. The manufacturer should make sure that his products/services are the best in the country and there is no competition. This might require integration in some form: either vertical or horizontal; to ensure the competitiveness of the products. Decisions regarding the time of launch of product and pricing would have to be carefully worked
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
American Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
American Society - Essay Example The study makes an effort to understand these areas that are highly relevant to not only the American society, but to all societies that are plagued by skin color and the racial problems. Approximately 33 million African Americans are living in USA today and most of them are descendents and results of Trans-Atlantic slavery trade. There were no Blacks in America before the obnoxious slave trade. The slaves, naturally a minute minority in those days of flourishing slave trade, were treated inhumanly in the predominantly European white society of the day. In the beginning, Blacks were not considered to be the part of American society. They were not even treated as human beings and were continuously degraded till the American Civil War and its aftermath terminated their slavery status. Still they had to wait for the Civil Rights Bill to gain equality. The white majority that heaped centuries of discrimination, at last accepted them as part of American society. Recently people have migrated from Caribbean, West Indies and various parts of Africa. They are definitely not the descendents of the shameful slave trade and have not been in US for generations; still, being black, they are part of nation's minority and hence, are slightly at a disadvantageous position. "An ethnic minority, on virtue of being a minority, is by definition in a disadvantaged position, which facilitates the characterisation of black people as problems, as being essential inferior and so on" Staples (1973). The equation between Black and White has changed considerably although it took a very long painful length of time. Majority group initially thought that the minority is stupid, illiterate, and superstitious, lacking motivation. They were thought to be fit only to remain slaves and retain their subservient status. They were from the Dark Continent and thus, were barely human. They also were thought to be devoid of any human qualities like cleverness, sadness, sensitivity, feelings, pain and suffering. White community lulled itself into self-forgiving with these convictions. They needed such assumptions to treat a lesser group and remain self-righteous about it. Now after centuries of living together and understanding each other's ways, things have changed and new perceptions have dawned. The minority is coming into higher prominence and this is the evidence that it is, at last, making inroads into the white dominated society. This does not mean that there is no discrimination and its evidence in the American society of today to negate and discourage this fact. Sometimes the minority group see itself in the same way as the majority does and vice versa and both the communities in America have shown this psychology of belief and reaction. Centuries of discriminating Blacks has hardened some of the Whites and in the same way, being discriminated for centuries and having accepted a miserable existence has left hopelessness and easy resignation amongst the Blacks. Minorities had very little cohesive identity in the past. During the days of slavery, they were neither visible, nor were heard. When they started regaining their voices slowly after decades and decades, they were already resigned to their fate. It took many leaders like Dr. King and White Leaders, activists
Monday, August 12, 2019
HBOs Organizational Strategy and Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
HBOs Organizational Strategy and Culture - Essay Example HBO has adapted the organizational strategy of producing only those contents which other channels avoided to land their feet. In this sense, we can easily assume that HBO is largely focusing on practicing Differentiation as a strategy for its products which are offered to the vast majority of its audience. Thus its organizational strategy is based on differentiation. This is also evident from the fact that HBO over the period of time has been spending heavily in creating its brand identity which seems to be an excellent strategy especially in an industry environment which has very different and unique dynamics and a lot of competition to face. Further, an economic model which HBO is following is sort of unique in the sense that it provides it very readily available revenue as the viewers are charged only $12 over their basic cable bills allowing the company to have enough access to the funds to originate programs of unique and original quality. However, the contents produced are some what specific to one cultural stratum of the society and hardly serve the viewers which live in America but have different cultural values such as Hispanic, Spanish etc communities in the US. Ã The cultural aspect of the organization suggests that it is organizational which is largely driven by the creative ideas and an environment which allow unleashing creativity and innovation which is also evident from the contents produced on the channel. This approach towards developing an organizational culture of creativity, innovation and open communication can especially serve the interest of the channel in the long term because it would provide the necessary impetus to the organization.
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Psychology Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2
Psychology - Research Paper Example He was devoted in the field of physiology and even won the 1904 Nobel Prize for his work in physiology (Martin, 1988). Even though Pavlov was never a psychologist and never wanted to be associated with psychology, he is one of the greatest contributors to the field of psychology. He came through most of his findings through experiments that he performed on animals such as dogs. One of his greatest contributions to the field of psychology is classical conditioning. This is one of the most useful discoveries in the field of psychology and most psychology students have to pass through it in their early years of study. While studying the digestive system of his dog, he noticed something that was very interesting and that led to the development of classical conditioning. He noticed that whenever his assistant entered the room, his dog would immediately start salivating. In the experiment, they started introducing different items to measure the level of salivation that the dog had. He later went on to note that salivation was an automatic response or reflex process (Prokasy, 1965). From the experiments and their outcomes, Pavlov was able to conclude that salivation was a response that could be learned. He noted that the dogs were responding to different stimuli that were presented to them just before food was delivered. They therefore learnt to connect these things with food. He noted that there was the salivary response which came when the dog was presented the food and the conditioning reflex that came when the dog was expecting food. After several experiments, he noted that there was a conditioned stimulus which was food for the dogs and the response which in this case was salivation. This discovery is still the most important discovery in the field of psychology. Apart from the fact that this discovery led to the formation of behavioral psychology, the discovery is used today in the treatment of some health issues as well as the modification of behavior
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Women In Artwork Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Women In Artwork - Essay Example There are also several transformations that have taken place in the artwork field, particularly in the 21st century as many artists have turned to use of technology in designing images and expressing peoples beauty. Apparently, its only a few sculptors that have been left in the field art. Additionally, the demand for sculptures has reduced as people are currently using digital cameras to make images, particularly in 3D images. In this essay paper, an evaluation is discussed on the role of women in art and the various transformations taking place in the field of art. Venus figurine, also known as Venus of Willendorf, for instance, is a statuette that can be traced back in the upper Paleolithic. The statuette, unearthed in Europe, is designed to portray a body of a woman though with some physical features being exaggerated. The sculpture is said to have existed since the gravetian period from 22,000 to 28,000 years back. Materials used for the sculpture included; soft stone such as limestone and steatite, as well as bones or ivory and fired clay. Nefertiti Bust is another renowned artifacts discovered in Egypt during the historical archeological activities by a German archeological team. Nefertiti bust is believed to have been an image of a royal wife of Egypt, in the Pharaoh Akhenaten royal family. Its also believed to be 3,300 years made of limestone and created by a sculptor well known as Thutmose. Cyclades is a renowned island on the southeastern part of Greece with a rich history on artwork, particularly on the discovery of Cyclades Figurines Getty Villa artifacts. In the mid-2000s B.C, a pregnant female figure, with the characteristics of the Spedos and Dokathismata was discovered through archeological activities in the Cyclades Island. Apparently, the artifact is displayed at Getty Villa gallery, it also said to be made of marble and created by Schuster Master In the modern age today, many artist and sculptors have continued to
Friday, August 9, 2019
Instrumentation paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Instrumentation paper - Essay Example This absence of national statistics for recidivism does not necessarily mean, however, that the phenomenon is non-existent and is not a concern. In fact, recidivism among juvenile offenders merits special attention considering the prevalence of drug use among offenders, regardless of whether they are adult or juvenile (Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2007; Wei, Makkai & McGregor, 2003). Further, three general trends bared by Spiess and Fallow (2006) on the drugs and crime connection sparked interest in the focus of this concept paper : (1) the prevalence of testing positively for drug use among apprehended offenders; (2) the high incidence of offenders who tested positive on drugs when their crimes were committed; and (3) addiction being a common trigger for offenders to commit crimes to in order to support their addiction. The third trend bared in the Spiess and Fallow (2006) study points to a well-established link between crime and drug use. In fact, three-quarters of crack and heroin users confessed that they commit criminal acts to sustain their addiction (Home Office, 2008). Goaded by the various accounts leading to a connection between criminality, in general, and recidivism, the intent of the proposed study is to gather research evidence on the effects of mind altering drug use and abuse to juvenile recidivism . Juvenile offenders/recidivists. Results of the study will be of greatest benefit to juvenile offenders and recidivists, by way of its contribution to the knowledge base of juvenile problems and the suggestions which will be formulated as output or recommendations of the study to assist youth offenders in realizing the importance of freedom, healthy and drug-free living, education, a personal relationship with God and acceptance back to free society. Correctional Institutions. Management and staff of correctional institutions will find significance in the proposed output of this study, as the suggestions and the new knowledge
Summary of article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Summary of article - Essay Example The article focuses on a comprehensive discussion of the market at the bottom of the pyramid. Unique characteristics of this market form a significant part of the explanation. According to Prahalad and Hart, bottom of the pyramid market segment has an estimated 4 billion people who live in abject poverty. Notably, the population in this market segment represents a potential market for goods and services. Active involvement of private firms at the BOP is a significant factor in generating inclusive capitalism (6). Private firmsââ¬â¢ engagement in the BOP segment of the market enhances completion of the market will redirect attention to the poor as consumers. Prahalad and Hart assert that each group that gives close attention on poverty eradication such as the World Bank, developed countries offering aid, charitable organizations, federal governments, and private firms ââ¬â has its an overriding justification. Prahalad and Hart explain that MNCs suffer the effect of strongly est ablished reason in relation to cost structure, consumers and BOP sector (12). As a result, donors view the private sector as malicious and exploitative of low-income society members. None of the well-known organizations perceive that market inclined solutions can result into poverty alleviation and economic growth. Prahalad and Hart turn to a discussion of products and services for the BOP. They assert that it requires an innovation perspective of product development and creativity in accordance with the realities of the BOP market. Based on this assertion, the writer identifies a number of principles that should guide innovations for the BOP market segment (9). The aspect is price performance. It is essential for quantum jumps in the price performance. The second factor focuses on hybrid solutions: advanced and evolving technologies that innovatively merge with available and increasingly developing infrastructure. Another important aspect is focusing on conservation of resources
Thursday, August 8, 2019
Student Learning Environment & Scoring Rubric Essay
Student Learning Environment & Scoring Rubric - Essay Example Design of a rubric can be cumbersome but rewarding and useful. Today's Baccalaureate program in nursing seeks to provide leaders in nursing. This is a program that is needed in the 21st century, at a time when the world is expecting a tremendous number of patients as well as many chronic diseases. There are many challenges and at this point, there is a great shortage of nurses, therefore those who lead will need every innovation that they can find. This will include the ability to apply standards and assure core competencies, as well as teaching and mentoring newer nurses. This paper will examine the core competencies for this program and determine and determine how a nurse educator might achieve the learning environment that works (AACN, 1). According to the American Association of Colleges for Nursing, there are nine essentials that should be accomplished by the end of one's nursing program. These include, liberal education for the generalist, basic organizational and systems leadership, scholarship for evidence based practice, information management and application of patient care technology, health care policy, finance, and regulatory environments, interprofessional communication and collaboration for improving patient health outcomes, clinical prevention and population health, professionalism and professional values, and generalist nursing practice. These competencies are stated slightly differently but supported by the NLNAC and nurse educators. This paper will choose to discuss scholarship for evidence based practice, interprofessional communication and collaboration for improving patient health outcomes, and the baccalaureate generalist nursing practice. The AACN has determined that professional nursing should be supported by an evidence based practice. This includes identification of issues that affect practice as well as integration of evidence and evaluation of the outcome of that integration. Baccalaureate education should provide the tools for the graduate nurse to be prepared to use evidence based practice. This include the research process, clinical judgment, and interpersonal prospective (AACN, 1). Effective communication and collaboration among professionals in practice is essential in care today. Patient centered care has been proven by many studies to be effective an quality care (Kautz, Kuiper, Pesut, 2005). Interprofessional communication supports patient centered care, therefore interprofessional education where it involves evidence base or communication becomes an essential part of any Baccalaureate Nurse education. Learning to educate as well as communicate allows the nurse to introduce new practices more easily (IPMG, 6). Baccalaureate generalist nursing practice is essential because the overall program generally learned is completed with practice focused outcomes. This brings together the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that are learned in all of the other essential practices. It allows the nurse to understand individuals, families, groups, communities, and populations in many different settings (AACN, 2009). In providing care, the nurse must be compassionate, well informed in evidence based practice, and well aware of how to conduct nursing research to meet this essential. Clinical reasoning should be evident in this nurse and she should
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